September 2021 Inspire Newsletter

It is easy to look around at the world and all that is happening, and become discouraged and hopeless. But as believers we have hope not in circumstances, but in God. “Just Be…Hopeful” is the theme for this month’s Inspire Newsletter. Included is a devotional about hope, a Bible reading plan, as well as some sunrise craft ideas to remind you of the hope we have in the Lord.

Because of the Lords’ great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:23

Need previous issues of the INSPIRE Newsletter?  They can be found at the following links:  August 2021, July 2021June 2021May 2021, April 2021March 2021February 2021, January 2021 December 2020November 2020October 2020September 2020August 2020July 2020June 2020May 2020April 2020March 2020February 2020January 2020December 2019November 2019October 2019October 2018-September 2019

September Craft: Rolled Paper Roses

By Major Ronda Gilger
Coeur d’Alene Kroc Center, ID – Northwest Division

Pure inspiration!

Learn a simple technique with so many applications.

We’ve added everything you need to make sure that your group has a wonderful experience as they work together around the tables. Truly, some of the best ministry moments are experienced as women share their stories as they create these simple paper roses. And you will be so inspired as you look through the presentation and see how many applications there are for this lovely paper rose.

Will you create a masterpiece for your walls, or scatter them around a table? Perhaps just a few set inside and around the saucer of your teacup.  Imagine events with these inspired decorations, wreaths, or something as practical as cards, tags or package décor. 

This is a craft that can be taught across genders and generations, with relatively low cost which makes this internationally attractive as well.  Share-far and wide!

What you’ll need:

  1. paper (scrapbook paper is good, cardstock has a nice weight-or use a page from a novel, a songbook or ??? so many options!),
  2. scissors,
  3. and a hot glue gun.

In the Video Tutorial you will hear a variety of ideas for Women’s Ministries, as well as tips for leading this craft. 

For any of your women who may be home bound- this might also be a perfect way to share a link with them which they can follow along doing the same craft project as your other women.

Download the 2 page (2 sided) Tutorial handbook which can be printed for each woman in your group.

September Bonus Craft: Tin Can Birdseed Feeder

By Major Ronda Gilger
Coeur d’Alene Kroc Center, ID – Northwest Division

Our women need to hear about how God is working in our lives. It encourages them to look at how God is working in theirs! 
IDEA: Why not try to make a Mod Podge Tin Can Birdseed feeder?

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can anyone of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? Matthew 6:26-27 NIV

Worry. We’re consumed by it… distracted, depressed, and we’ve lost focus. Take a few moments to create this simple Birdseed feeder, reminding yourselves that God, who clothes the most beautiful flowers; and who feeds the birds, who sees the smallest sparrow when it falls… This same God has your life in his hands. He is faithful and loving and is right there with you in your times of joy and greatest heartache.

DIY “Tin Can Birdseed Feeder Instructions:
Scissors, paintbrushes, misc scrapbook papers, twine, and 3 opened-cleaned-cans with labels removed.

Have each woman bring in a few cans- or collect them just for this special program together.

Using ModPodge (there is a variety that holds up better outside), a paintbrush, and fun papers add to your masterpiece-one paper at time to decorate your Birdseed hanging feeders. Wrap twine around several times and create a hanger as shown.  You can see that they look even better in groupings! 

I believe that this can be a fun project to bring women, families or children together…. or even for you to invite neighbors in for.  Remind everyone of these verses in Matthew, and HAVE EACH PERSON tell of a time when God worked in their lives- you will be surprised by how encouraged you will all be! 

Pray just before you leave. Perhaps you can even have your women hold hands in a circle – to visually show the unity you feel for one another. What fun!

Book Review: “2 Chairs: The Secret That Changes Everything”

By Major Iva West
Helena, MT Corps – Northwest Division

Bob Beaudine’s book, 2 Chairs: The Secret That Changes Everything, invites the reader to explore who God is in a very personal way. Beaudine challenges and encourages the reader to sit awhile at the feet of Jesus and to be present. The writer conveys the significance of being present with God and how that can positively impact their decision-making in their daily life.

Beaudine outlines seven practical steps for the reader to learn how to walk boldly, courageously, and faithfully through life’s challenges with God daily. Beaudine has a message for anyone who is struggling to understand the full scope of God’s promises and their self-worth. Each step reminds the reader of their value, self-worth and that God’s love can change their lives in a very practical real way. If you are struggling with life’s challenges and finding your purpose in life this book will remind you of God’s faithfulness on a daily basis.

2 Chairs was very meaningful to me especially now in the midst of the ongoing crisis around us. The book illustrates to the reader about God’s desire for us to slow down and spend quality time with Him. Beaudine employs us to trust and lean on God for everything regardless of our circumstances. I loved 2 Chairs because of how the writer used real illustrations that were applicable to me. Some of the concepts in the book might be challenging to consider but Beaudine substantiates all his principles with scripture. The concept of the two chairs was easily understood and brief.

It is my opinion this book would be very beneficial to all Christians, especially new believers. This book had a lot of diverse information and I was excited to read it. This book talks about an individual’s self-value, self-worth, and God’s unfailing love. I plan to utilize the two chairs analogy daily so that I can hear and feel God’s presence in my life more and more.

Book Review: “Christian Warrior Women: A Guide to Taking Back Your Faith, Family and Future”

By Major Monica Covert
Divisional Women’s Ministries Secretary – California South Division

“Women are the bearers of the gift that defeats the enemy according to Genesis. The enemy fights back by stealing our faith, joy, and happiness through low self-esteem, loneliness, worry, finances, doubt, fears, single parenting, generational patterns and regrets of the past.” (author unknown)

Christian Warrior Women: A Guide to Taking Back Your Faith, Family and Future is the first in a series beautifully written by Lisa Hawkins, Founder of Christian Warrior Women. Lisa delivers a powerful message from God and shares from her own personal struggles.

There were many things I loved about this book. First, it was very easy to read and although it could have been a quick read, I took my time and took in every good word from a fellow sister warrior. It was also easy to relate to as many of her life challenges were quite common. I also loved how Lisa provided the opportunity for engagement by having us answer and reflect on questions and advice provided after sharing her real-life scenarios.

Women face many challenges in this world. We experience tragedy, betrayal, hurts and disappointments that keep us from moving forward in our journey and often leads us to forgetting God’s calling for us. Now more than ever, God is calling us into a deeper relationship with Him and to become warriors of the Kingdom. This world is our battleground, but without God, the battle cannot be won. We must break free from the bondage of our past and take up the warrior mantle God has given us to live and fight for Jesus.

Regardless of where you are on your spiritual and life journey, Christian Warrior Women is a good source for Christian women to learn what it means to fight back against the enemy and reclaim God’s plan for us.  

August 2021 Inspire Newsletter

In a world of social media, it is easy to compare ourselves with others. We see perfect homes, families and lives on on-line and we wish we could be the other person.

This month’s theme is “Just Be… Uniquely You!” You don’t need to be anyone else, but be the person God created you to be. This month’s Bible reading plan helps us focus on our identity in Christ, who God says we are.

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10

In the words of Taylor Swift, “Just be yourself, there is no one better!”

Need previous issues of the INSPIRE Newsletter?  They can be found at the following links:  July 2021, June 2021May 2021, April 2021March 2021February 2021, January 2021 December 2020November 2020October 2020September 2020August 2020July 2020June 2020May 2020April 2020March 2020February 2020January 2020December 2019November 2019October 2019October 2018-September 2019

August Games & Activities: Fun in the Son/Sun

By Major Shari Fowler
Secretary for Program – Adult Rehabilitation Centers Command

No craft idea this month, but enjoy these games and activities out in the sunshine.

Squirt Gun Painting

Set up easels or attach large water-color art paper to an outside wall, tree or hang on a clothesline. Fill squirt guns with liquid water-color paint and fire away! (No squirt guns? Use spray bottles).

Bucket Ball

Set up 12 plastic sand buckets, 6 on each side and using tennis balls or small, squishy water bomb balls, have teams take turns tossing the ball in the buckets. Team with the most in the buckets after each round, wins.

Human Ring Toss

Yep, just what is says. Use inflatable pool rings and try to “ring” them on a volunteer. Team with the most “ringers” after each round, wins!

Sensory Discovery Walk

Take your group for a walk in the sunshine. You can go to a park, lake, river, mountain, beach or just around the Corps center. As you walk along, stop and ask people to name 5 things they see, 4 things they hear, 3 things they smell, 2 things they can touch, and 1 thing they can taste (maybe). Do this several times along your walk. At the end take time to pray prayers of appreciation for our senses and all the magnificent things God has created.

Download the printable version of these activities.

Below are some fun printable activities to enjoy:

Summer Fun – Word Scramble (free resource) from

Summer Fun – Word Search (free resource) from

Note: Also on our website is UNDER THE SON Bible Study and UNDER THE SON devotional that coordinate with these games and activities.

July 2021 Inspire Newsletter

Ahh… it’s the lazy days of summer. There is just something about summer that makes us want to relax. Perhaps it is the heat that slows us down, or the change from the regular routine (especially if you have school-age children), or the longer days. Whatever the reason, July is a great time to “Just Be Relaxed.”

“Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is relax.” Mark Black

“The time to relax is when you don’t have time for it.” Sydney Harris

In this month’s newsletter are some easy and relaxing craft ideas perfect for the slower pace of summer, a Bible reading plan on the peace that God offers, and a devotion to remind us to “Just Be Relaxed in His Presence.” Also included are some INSPIRATIONAL Women’s Ministries ideas from around the Territory.

Surrender your anxiety. Be still and realize that I am God. I am God above all the nations, and I am exalted throughout the whole earth. Psalm 46:10 (Passion Translation)

Need previous issues of the INSPIRE Newsletter?  They can be found at the following links:  June 2021, May 2021, April 2021March 2021February 2021, January 2021 December 2020November 2020October 2020September 2020August 2020July 2020June 2020May 2020April 2020March 2020February 2020January 2020December 2019November 2019October 2019October 2018-September 2019

Book Review: “The Prodigal Prophet: Jonah and the Mystery of God’s Mercy”

By Major Katina Hanson
Eugene Citadel, OR – Cascade Division

We want God to give us the correct answers, or rather our own personal vision of acceptability. The man’s story is similar to many of us in both principle and essence. His intentional journey echoes his unwarranted temerity. In Timothy Keller’s book, The Prodigal Prophet, we read about the account of Jonah, his resistance to God permeates his storyline.

Jonah’s story is found in his Old Testament namesake book. The book of Jonah is only 4 chapters long, but its brevity does not minimize the powerful messages. Keller writes diligently about the prophet Jonah’s known history and complicated relationship with God. Jonah is told by God to preach to the city of Nineveh, a city with a cruel and violent reputation. Nineveh had operated as a terrorist like city, threatening all of their enemies in the ancient world. Jonah responds to God’s command by going the opposite way. God’s instruction seemed impossible for Jonah to accept.

This book discusses the strategies we sometimes use to avoid God, corresponding with Romans chapters 1 through 3. Keller alludes to comparing the prophet Jonah with the Prodigal Son and also expounds the literary correlation with Jesus. Keller took advantage of reviewing the book of Jonah with contemporary connections. Keller’s book explores identity, cultural bias and the tension that resides between.

I would recommend this book as Keller clearly outlines scripture principles with relevant commentary, intertwined with easily understood illustrations. There is always validity in reading scripture as it alters us through the mysterious power of God. The book of Jonah sheds light on the grace of God and shadows upon our demonization of others. The ending of the Old Testament book of Jonah is not resolved like others, it purposely ends with a question. Perhaps how we answer the question gives greater clarity to our own spiritual growth.

Book Review: “For Such A Time as This”

Book Review by Captain Claudia Pardo-Barriga
Divisional Youth & Candidates’ Secretary – California South Division

“Just as Esther was particularly equipped to have an impact on her own time and culture, so you have been prepared to affect this generation.” (Lisa Ryan, 2001)

I love a good read. More so when it is relatable and an easy read. Turning eighteen is such a big milestone in life for any young lady. The sensation of more independence feels very good and yet it carries a bigger responsibility with it. After one year as an eighteen-year-old, I had gone through some good decisions and some not so good ones. It was here when an Officer of The Salvation Army from Venezuela gifted me a book, For Such a time As This by Lisa Ryan (you can find this book in English and Spanish).

This book takes you through the life journey of Esther. The book will literally put you in her shoes. The vivid imagery and well written stories of Esther placed me in the middle of her victories and struggles. The book took me through a time where it was difficult for her to live by the teachings of God because her surroundings were constantly pointing her the other direction. The book couldn’t have come to me at a better time. I was an eighteen-year-old that was living with many struggles. All of which Esther had gone through. Struggles like self-esteem, peer pressure, self-worth, staying pure, sex, relationships, friendships, family dynamics, faith and life goals.

If you are a teenage girl, young adult women, mother, sister, aunt or even grandmother, I recommend you this book.