By Captain Jennifer Swain Administrator of Program San Diego, CA Adult Rehabilitation Program
8.5x 11 watercolor paper
Crayola watercolor palette
Blue painters tape
“Thank you” stamp
Ink pad
Glass of water
Paper towel
Plastic tablecloth
*Most supplies can be purchased inexpensively at Amazon or the Dollar Tree!
How to…
Cover your surface with a plastic tablecloth to ensure paint does not get on your work surface. Cut watercolor paper in half (vertically or horizontally) then fold in half to give the look of a greeting card. Open paper and lay flat. Place a piece of painters tape along the folded seam to ensure paint does not bleed.
Pick a color from your color palette. This will be your focus color. Wet your brush and dip it in the color you’ve chosen. Once you’ve wet the paint, make three matching paint puddles on the inside of the lid. Rinse your brush and add a small amount of black to one of the color puddles. Rinse your brush again and add a lighter color of paint to one of the two remaining color puddles. At this point you should have three shades of paint.
Starting close to the painters tape, and using the darkest shade of color, brush the paint left to right. You’ll want cover about one-third of the card surface space. Without rinsing the paint start using the next lightest shade of paint on the middle third of the card. You will want to blend the colors together where they meet to create the effect of shading. The lightest color should be at the based of the card and be blended with the center color.
Allow the paint to dry, gently remove the painter tape, and then stamp with your “thank you”. Write a personal note inside and give to someone who blessed you! This kind of tangible gratitude blesses the one who receives, and the one who gives, it!
“In everything give thanks…” 1 Thessalonians 5:18 TLT
We continue our series on being “Deeply Rooted in the Spiritual Disciplines.” For the month of November, we are focusing on the spiritual practice of Gratitude. In her book Spiritual Disciplines Handbook: Practices That Transforms Us, Adele Ahlberg Calhoun defines gratitude as, “a loving and thankful response toward God for His presence with us and within this world. Though “blessings” can move us into gratitude, it is not at the root of a thankful heart. Delight in God and His good will is the heartbeat of thankfulness.”
Give praise to the Lord, proclaim His name; make known among the nations what He has done. 1 Chronicles 16:8
Inside you will find a devotional, conversation starters, a prayer idea, a monthly Bible reading plan and other resources to help you incorporate the spiritual discipline of gratitude in your walk with Jesus.
By Captain Amber Ohl Bozeman, MT Corps – Intermountain Division
For me Smash Books are just a more beautiful journal. I think of it as a doodle pad, journal, maybe even a scrapbook; but it doesn’t have a set plan. It can be messy, it could be overstuffed, and most of all, it doesn’t have to be perfect.
When it comes to Sabbath, we might be stuck in the idea that it is a rigid day of rest with all these rules and such. But Sabbath is a day to focus on who God is and to be able to be refreshed. That is my hope for this smash book, that we are able to compile all these different amazing ways to be able to focus on God, but also to refresh ourselves. One of my favorite examples is found under the “T” section and that is take a nap, listen. Sometimes we just need a nap.
1. Gather some supplies. I recommend that the journals would be an 8 1/2 by 11 size. Michaels is a great place to get them as they are either on sale or you can find a coupon through their rewards app. Other supplies include the printable pages attached, scissors, mod podge, brushes, scrapbooking paper, stickers colorful pens, wasabi tape, and anything else that your women might light. This might be a good time to clean out some drawers or leftover art supplies.
2.With this activity, they can work at their own pace. It’s easy as explaining what to do and let them have at it. They can cut out the letters to the word “SABBATH,” some of the ladies just did a rough cut, while others cut on the lines; both works. I would encourage that the letters are placed about 10 to 15 pages apart. This will allow for when they do engage in their Sabbath activity provides that extra space.
S – Sing/Songs. Write lyrics that help you connect you to God
A – Attributes. What are the attributes of God? OR A – Actively Rest. How can you actively rest?
B – Bible – Book by Book
B – Be in Nature
A – Art. Doodle in these pages while spending time with God, search online for Bible art that can be pasted in these pages to color, or pick up a craft that you have not done in a while.
T – Take a nap. Talk with a friend.
H – Hobby. Whether it is a hobby that you have not done in a while or it’s something you wan to try.
3.One thing we did was add an envelopes so that we could use that to tuck away some small notes or cards.
4. I added extra pages that are some examples of a word to associate to each letter of “SABBATH.” I would encourage your ladies to add in their own that would help them on their Sabbath.
5. Also, Pinterest is a great resource if you ladies would like some extra pages. Maybe they want to add in some coloring pages or look up verses to color.
6. Remember it does not have to be perfect; that is what’s fun about smash books!
Prayer for you: For this moment of Sabbath may God help you engage in true Sabbath rest. May you unattach from the daily burdens and the concerns that are yours. May you pause long enough to pray, be present enough to enjoy, and slow down enough to rest. But most of all, I pray that you may worship the One who gives us Sabbath.
Download a printable version of these directions. It has also has extra printable pages and quotes to include in your Sabbath Smash Book.
Welcome to the second year of the Flourish Newsletter. Last program year, we focused on flourishing in and through different seasons that we all go through. This year we want to flourish by being “Deeply Rooted in the Spiritual Disciplines.” Each month we will focus on one spiritual practice that will help us to establish deep roots, grow and flourish in our walk with Jesus.
For October we are focusing on the practice of Sabbath Rest. Adele Ahlberg Calhoun, in her book Spiritual Disciplines Handbook: Practices That Transform Us, defines Sabbath as “God’s gift of repetitive and regular rest. It is given for our delight and communion with God. Time for being in the midst of a life of doing particularly characterizes the sabbath.” The desire of observing sabbath is “to set apart one day a week for rest and worship of God.”
“By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work.” Genesis 2:2
Inside you’ll find a devotional, conversation starters, a prayer idea, a monthly Bible reading plan, and some other resources to help you incorporate a weekly Sabbath into your spiritual walk with Jesus.
In The Salvation Army USA Western Territory, we want ministry to women to flourish, grow, and thrive. Below are easy links to information on our website, that should answer questions you have about ministry to women and also offer other insights and helps to make sure ministry to women is flourishing in your local corps.
Ministry to Women Guidelines and Ideas
Our Fundamental Purpose explains the aim, purpose and expectations of ministry to women in your local corps.
If our ministry to women is to grow and flourish, we need our roots to go deep in Christ. Our purpose in programming, while it includes fun and fellowship, is ultimately to lead women into a deeper relationship with Christ. A program with deep roots is one with a rich spiritual focus. Your Roots, Your Strength
There are endless possibilities of what ministry to women can look like in your local corps. Below are guidelines for several programs.
Home League Guidelines will explain the aim, purpose, and all the details about Home League.
Junior Home League Guidelines will explain all the details of having a Junior Home League program, for girls ages 11-15.
Baby Song is an exciting Salvation Army outreach program for babies, toddlers and their parents.
Women’s Ministries Special Events highlights some extra possibilities for ministries to women: holding a Women’s Sunday, as well as Divisional Events and Leadership Institutes.
Leadership Development
As women of The Salvation Army, it is vital that we take the opportunity to assess our own emotional, physical, and spiritual health on a regular basis. Flourishing in life starts with caring for ourselves well so that we can care for others well. It is vital to assess where we are in these areas and make a reasonable plan for how to be a loving, wise, and mindful steward of ourselves and others. Healthy Work/Life Balance for Soul Care
Qualities of a Leader helps identify the qualities you should be looking for in women to develop them local leaders.
Revamping or Refreshing Ministry to Women
Is ministry to women feeling a little stale? Answer the questions on A Fresh Assessment to help you see new possibilities for ministry to women in your community. Defining What We Value will help you with a list of possibilities for new ministry to women opportunities.
All About the Numbers – Statistical Information and Financial Guidelines
If you ever have questions about how to report ministry to women on your monthly statistics be sure to check out the Statistical Quick Reference. Desplancke Desplancke2023-10-06 10:55:092023-10-06 13:53:45A Guide for Ministry to Women
The Salvation Army USA Western Territory BABY SONG STATISTICAL REPORTING
Baby Song is an exciting Salvation Army outreach program for babies, toddlers and their parents. Baby Song provides an opportunity for: parents to assist their babies in language development and interaction through music; babies to experience developmentally appropriate songs, activities and games; parents to build relationships with other parents; parents to gain parenting tips and information; and to reach out into the community.
As Baby Song crosses over boundaries, not just applying to one age group, but to the whole family, it has been decided to record Baby Song attendance as stated below. It is important that there is consistency around the territory in recording the program, so please contact the Territorial Youth Department or Women’s Ministries Department, should you have any questions regarding this.
As a Baby Song session consists of two separate sections, it can be recorded as two meetings in the following way:
The Baby Song/Music Section
Count attendance in Cradle Roll line 3310. Include everybody – children, parents, leaders, helpers.
The Fellowship Section
Count parents (if majority are women) in Women’s Ministries line 3001–option code 33:
Any activity during the Baby Song/Music Section should be recorded under the Cradle Roll (line 3310). If the parents and children are together during the fellowship section, you will only count the parents in Women’s Ministries line 3001–option code 33, not the children.
It is important to note that there needs to be some spiritual aspect to record Baby Song as Women’s Outreach. It can be in the form of a prayer, a ‘thought for the day’, or a Scripture verse.
The Salvation Army USA Western Territory STATISTICAL QUICK REFERENCE
Women’s Ministries is the umbrella term that covers all ministries offered to women in The Salvation Army, which includes Home League and Women’s Ministries Groups. Where Home League falls under WM group, International Headquarters requires special reporting as it is an international program. Statistics should be reported on NSS Corps form as follows:
Line 3001 Women’s Ministries Line 3001-31 Home League (meetings, attendance, volunteers, volunteer hours) Line 3001-33 Women’s Ministries Groups Participants (meetings, attendance, volunteers, volunteer hours) There is no membership for WM group. Please add non-Home League members, first-time participants, per program year. Line 3001-34 Women’s Ministries Corps Special Event (meeting, attendance, volunteers, volunteer hours)
Line 3003 Junior Home League Junior Home League – Junior Home League is a self-esteem development program for girls, ages 11-15 years old. It provides insight to personal improvement and skill building, and serves as a mode to encourage the four elements – Worship, Education, Service and Fellowship. The Junior HL will also provide a link to full acceptance as a Home League Member. A Junior Home League member may become a Home League Member when she reaches the age of 14 years, if desired, and membership may automatically be transferred. Meetings can be held weekly, bi-monthly or monthly according to need and local circumstances.
Record membership of Jr. Home League. Record meetings, attendance, volunteer, and volunteer hours. ** NOTE: Do NOT record girls attending HL meetings here. This line is for established Jr. HL groups **
A record must be kept of each group, with names, address and attendance. This register will be examined by the reviewing officer at the time of the Women’s Ministries Review and Revision, and a report will be sent to the Territorial Secretary for Women’s Ministries. Home League meetings, attendance and volunteer hours may be counted and reported on the NSS form, line 3001—option code 31. Women’s Ministries Group meetings, attendance and volunteer hours may be counted and reported on NSS form, line 3001—option code 33.
When special events are hosted by the Divisional Women’s Ministries Department such as: one day institutes, rallies, leadership training, divisional event planning, multiple day events including camps, retreats, conferences or similar events, the statistics are to be counted as follows:
Line 3002 Women’s Ministries Events. Record attendance, volunteers and hours. ** NOTE: No corps units should be using these lines.
Line 3002-601 Women’s Ministries Events – Camps. Record the number of meetings/sessions in Women’s Ministries camps for fellowship held, and the combined total attendance. Line 3002-602 Women’s Ministries Events – Rallies. Record the number of meetings/sessions in Women’s Ministries rallies held, and the combined total attendance. Rallies are gathering for Women’s Ministries; may include prayer meetings for a purpose. Line 3002-603 Women’s Ministries Events – Conventions. Record the number of meetings/sessions in Women’s Ministries conferences and gatherings for networking, and the combined total attendance. Line 3002-604 Women’s Ministries Events – Institutes. Record the number of meetings/sessions in Women’s Ministries and the combined total attendance. Institutes are gatherings for learning experience.
⦁ Divisional Headquarters Reporting. Every individual meeting/session is to be counted by the Division on a divisional line 3002.
Example: for a one-day event that includes three sessions with planned programming, the total number of meetings/sessions is to be (3). For a multiple day event every meeting/ session with planned programming is counted. For example, if there are two united sessions on Friday, four united sessions on Saturday, two united sessions on Sunday, the count for the event is 2+4+2=8. A meal with no program is not considered a session. If the meal is a banquet with programming, then it may be counted as a session. If the meal has only a prayer and song, it is not counted as a session. If a workshop time is scheduled with 6 individual workshops, the workshop period is counted as 1.
Every session/meeting will have an attendance recorded. Divisions are not to simply multiply their total registration by the number of sessions. A recorded individual attendance is combined for all sessions/meetings and then recorded on the attendance line. In the event of a workshop period, the combined total attendance of all the workshops is recorded. Divisions are asked not to submit the total registration for workshop periods with the assumption that every registered participant attends a workshop.
⦁ Corps Reporting. Number of days of event times number of delegates equals meetings/attendance recorded on line 3001-34. (3 days = 3 meetings)
Several Corps may join together for a one-time area meeting for fellowship, leadership training, or special interests, etc. Every Women’s Ministries group from various corps will report its own figures on the corps NSS. The sponsoring Women’s Ministries group must not report the total figure. Each corps will count one meeting and the attendance of their corps ladies only.
If it is a combined Women’s Ministries meeting, each local corps will record their attendees on the NSS report line 300I–option code 31 for regular meetings. If it is a combined Women’s Ministries program, each local corps will record their attendees on the NSS report line 3001—option code 33.
A Women’s Ministries Group Event is a program for women only with the purpose of evangelism and outreach, such as: a corps women’s retreat, a mother daughter banquet, a community hosted Women’s Ministry meal (breakfast), Local Leadership training, Bike-A-Thon, Walk-A-Thon, Prayer Walk. There is no membership for a Women’s Ministries Group Event. This is not a family event, please see Other adult groups/family activities. Attendance for a Women’s Ministries Group Event is recorded on the NSS form line 3001-34 titled Women’s Ministries Corps Special Events.
When a Women’s Ministry fund-raising event is held on a day other than the regular meeting, it would be counted and recorded on line 3220 — Other Adult Group/Family Activities, and the total attendance recorded.
When the fund-raising event is on a regular Women’s Ministries meeting day, the pre-event time (time needed to set up, give instruction, etc.) should be counted as the regular meeting. The Women’s Ministries members there and others attending would be recorded under Other Adult Group/Family Activities — line 3220. These will be recorded in NSS as follows:
Home League Regular (line 3001-31) or Women’s Ministries Group Participants (line 3001-33) 1 Attendance of the group (in pre-event time) 20 Other Adult Group/Family Activities (line 3220) 1 Attendance (during the fund-raising event) 35
Women’s Ministries Local Officers are considered to be volunteers, and their time at Women’s meetings should be counted as volunteer service.
If a Women’s Ministries Group is purely spiritual in nature (for example, a weekly Bible study or Home League worship service) no volunteer hours may be counted.
When Women’s Ministries Group participants are involved in community or corps projects, their hours may be counted as volunteer hours as a WM Group/HL.
The Corps Officers are never considered volunteers in any WM activities.
Line 1510 Soldiers Made Through Programs. Record the number of soldiers added to the roll as a direct result of Women’s Ministries.
Line 1515 Adherents Made Through Programs. Record the number of adherents added to the roll as a direct result of Women’s Ministries.
The statistical count of seekers or converts in Women’s Ministries should represent the number of women indicating a definite decision or response for conversion, holiness or consecration. This decision could be demonstrated by kneeling at the altar but could also include other expressions of intent such as raising of hands, standing at one’s seat, decisions in home, office, or elsewhere should be counted as seekers.
Line 2405 Adults Seekers Section 1. Record the number of seekers 14 years of age and over, not entered in the Seekers’ Register, and not listed on the Recruits’ or Soldiers’ Roll of any Salvation Army Corps. (First time seeker in TSA)
Line 2410 Adult Seekers Section 2. Adult Seekers Section 2 – Record the number of seekers 14 years of age and over, previously entered in the Seekers’ Register, or listed on the Recruits’ or Soldiers’ Roll.
Line 3005 Record the number of new families linked to the corps as a direct result of a women’s ministry program.
BABY SONG Baby Song is an exciting Salvation Army outreach program for babies, toddlers and their parents. Baby Song provides an opportunity for: parents to assist their babies in language development and interaction through music; babies to experience developmentally appropriate songs, activities and games; parents to build relationships with other parents; parents to gain parenting tips and information; and to reach out into the community.
As Baby Song crosses over boundaries, not just applying to one age group, but to the whole family, it has been decided to record Baby Song attendance as stated below. It is important that there is consistency around the territory in recording the program, so please contact the Territorial Youth Department or Women’s Ministries Department, should you have any questions regarding this.
As a Baby Song session consists of two separate sections, it can be recorded as two meetings in the following way:
The Baby Song/Music Section
Count attendance in Cradle Roll line 3310. Include everybody – children, parents, leaders, helpers.
The Fellowship Section
Count parents (if majority are women) in Women’s Ministries line 3001–option code 33:
Any activity during the Baby Song/Music Section should be recorded under the Cradle Roll (line 3310). If the parents and children are together during the fellowship section, you will only count the parents in Women’s Ministries line 3001–option code 33, not the children.
It is important to note that there needs to be some spiritual aspect to record Baby Song as Women’s Outreach. It can be in the form of a prayer, a ‘thought for the day’, or a Scripture verse.
The Salvation Army USA Western Territory JUNIOR HOME LEAGUE PROGRAM
Junior Home League is a self-esteem development program for girls, ages 11-15 years old. It provides insight to personal improvement and skill building.
It all commenced in 1967 when a concerned Officer’s wife had the interests and needs of young girls in her Corps at heart. Would a Junior Home League be the answer? This exciting idea was presented to the Territorial President of Women’s Organizations in Canada (at that time Mrs. Commissioner C. Wiseman), who readily accepted the suggestion – and thus the Junior Home League was born in the Canadian Territory and it spread like a flame throughout the Territory.
When a prospective member is ready for entry into full membership a special ceremony should be held when the Member receives her Pledge Card and makes her promise. The whole aim and purpose of the group is to provide a link to full acceptance as a Home League Member. The Junior Home League member can, if desired, become a Home League Member when she reaches the age of 14 years. If so, then Membership can automatically be transferred. The Junior Home League member can, however, defer her transfer until a later date if desired.
A separate Register should be secured for the Junior Home League group. Cash records should be kept separate, but, with agreement of the Corps Officer, the Home League Treasurer could be responsible for making bank deposits or withdrawals.
Local Officers for Junior Home League, such as a Junior Home League Secretary and Junior Home League Secretary is encouraged. Other positions can be commissioned/warranted as necessary.
MEETINGS These can be held weekly, bi-weekly or monthly according to need and local circumstances. The day and time should be planned to suit the majority of prospective members.
Meetings ought to provide FAITH … FUN … FELLOWSHIP … FOOD. In addition, there should be an opportunity for growing – some learning experience, personal improvement, self-development, that challenge as well as stimulate interest.
A special ceremony is suggested for the enrollment of Junior Home League Members. The Junior Home League members have their own Pledge Card – and it brings its own peculiar thrill to stand before an earnest group of young girls, some of who have never had any connection with a church before, look into their fresh, sincere faces reflecting the glow of the candles nervously in their hands and hear them repeat their pledge and then pray … “God … give me strength and guidance that I may carry out this pledge.”
A table is set up with a beautiful cloth, an open Bible (modern translation) a Home League flag and a Salvation Army flag, and a large white candle. Sufficient candles for the new members are supplied. The large candle is lit at the commencement of the enrollment.
(Supply young people with details of portions to be read in unison)
As the names of the young people are read, they take their places at the front, standing in a semi- circle around the table. Their leader and the Officer stand at the opposite ends of the semi-circle.
(The Officer conducts the enrollment. This enrollment may also be conducted in a Senior Home League Meeting).
OFFICER: The Salvation Army Home League is one of the largest women’s organizations in the entire world, and it is a privilege to welcome girls into this fellowship. They are the Home-makers of the future and we believe they appreciate the Christian emphasis in the home and will endeavor to practice Christian precepts in their daily living.
The Jr. Home League Motto is “With goodwill, doing service.”
The Home League Program is four-fold and these young people before us will tell us what this program means to them. –
(Young people read in unison) WORSHIP: In Worship we will seek the guidance of God, our Heavenly Father, in all the decisions we shall have to make in the days that lie ahead, and we will attend a place of worship whenever it is possible.
FELLOWSHIP: We believe in Fellowship well planned; in social life, good entertainment and an out-stretched hand to all, no matter what their race, color or creed.
EDUCATION:Education is wide in its scope and involves not only the gathering of facts in order to pass an examination, not only acquiring skills and crafts but should direct our whole attitude to life and people.
SERVICE:We are called upon to serve wherever there is a need; in our home, in our Church, in our community and faraway places of the world. We give practical aid to the poor, the lonely and the discouraged, and we engage in Missionary and local projects for the good of others.
CHARGE: As Jr. Home League members I charge you to uphold the ideals of the Four-fold program of the Home League and support the Seniors and share fellowship with them.
YOUNG PEOPLE: We light a candle signifying that we believe in Jesus the Light of the world who gave Himself to disperse the darkness of sin and bring peace to every heart.
(The girls light candles and then repeat the Pledge from their cards) (Leader hands out Pledge Cards)
As a member of the Jr. Home League, I promise to the best of my ability to promote its four-fold purpose.
WORSHIP: I will seek to honor God daily
FRIENDSHIP: I will seek to be kind and understanding at all times
EDUCATON: I will seek to “think” beyond the confines of my own life and circumstances
SERVICE: I will endeavor, in some small way, to be of service to others
I now ask God to give me strength and guidance that I may carry out this pledge.
Suitable Song and prayer by Corps Officer or Home League Secretary Desplancke Desplancke2023-10-05 14:08:202023-10-06 09:03:38Junior Home League Guidelines
WOMEN’S SUNDAY It is encouraged that every corps feature Women’s Ministries Sunday within a program year (October-September). The purpose of the day is to inspire and celebrate the women of your women’s ministries groups and recognize the various women’s ministries groups.
a. This annual event may be extended to include:
a rally to which representatives of other women’s groups (Army and non-Army) may be invited
other special programs, such as music, drama, film
a celebration of family
b. Women’s Sunday also provides an opportunity for women who belong to Women Ministries groups but who do not normally attend Sunday worship to hear and respond to the message of salvation.
Plans for the observance should be made at the planning meeting. Home League members and Women’s Ministries group participants should be used in the meeting(s).
A narrative report of special activities is included in the Quarterly Narrative Report. In recording statistics, it is to be noted that Women’s Sunday attendance should be recorded as senior corps activities and are not to be entered as Women’s Ministries statistics.
DIVISIONAL EVENTS All divisions must hold at least one camp, conference, retreat, or rally per year focused on the specific needs of women. Home League local officers and members and Women’s Ministries Group participants should be encouraged to attend these events. The programs are designed to be beneficial spiritually, mentally, and socially.
LEADERSHIP INSTITUTES Leadership institutes sponsored by the division will be planned by the Divisional Women’s Ministries Secretary annually or bi-annually or according to the needs of the division. Corps-sponsored leadership training sessions are also encouraged. It is expected that all local officers, leaders and potential local officers and leaders be encouraged to attend to take advantage of these opportunities.
Each member should be encouraged to contribute financially to Women’s Ministries.
Any WM group may establish a custodial account where money is directly deposited into the corps financial books.
All money received must be counted and checked by two unrelated, responsible persons, then handled according to territorial policy.
Any financial grant made to the corps funds from any WM group fund must be done in full consultation with the local officers/lay leaders of the WM group. Any transaction must be done with the consent of the officer/corps administrator and with the endorsement of the Divisional Director of Women’s Ministries.
A brief financial report should be given monthly or quarterly to each group that has an account.
An up-to-date inventory of equipment should be kept. These items are WM property and may not be borrowed without permission.
Every WM group is to participate in two annual projects: Territorial and Divisional.
The corps officer/officer-in-charge/corps administrator and leaders of the Women’s Ministries Groups(s) are together responsible to ensure that accounting for group finances is carried out in accordance with Salvation Army policy.