May 2022 Craft: Scavenger Hunt Masterpieces
By Major Noelle Nelson
Divisional Women’s Ministries Secretary – Golden State Division
Note: This is a group activity with craft and Biblical application.
This activity works well for one group, several smaller groups (like at a retreat), or even for a Zoom event! In this case, at a regional Women’s Ministries Mini-Retreat held on Zoom, each Corps group created their own ‘masterpiece’ and shared the final project for everyone to see. The ‘crafting’ element can be especially appreciated by ladies who may not be into traditional crafts.
Basic idea:
First, the ladies scurry to find the items on a list. Then they work together to create a ‘Masterpiece’ sculpture with the found items! (but they don’t know that part yet…)
⦁ String and/or tape (to hold things together if needed)
⦁ A list of random items
⦁ Camera to photograph the ‘Masterpieces’ (phone camera is perfect)
Scavenger Hunt:
The ladies will work in teams. Create a list of random, but not hard to find, items for the ladies to find. Ten to fifteen items is good, but you can do more depending on the energy/motivation level of your ladies. You will be reading this list to them, one item at a time.
Sample list:
- A pen
- Something brown
- A mint or piece of gum
- A bobby pin
- Something green
- A book
- Something from nature
- Lipstick or lip balm
- A food item
- A napkin or tissue
- A stamp
- Something made of fabric
- Something red
- A rubber band
- Nail clippers
Note: Each group only needs to find ONE item from each category (example: a group of 5 ladies only needs to find one nail clipper, not 5 individual nail clippers)
Read one item at a time, giving the ladies time to scurry about looking for the item. Once each group has the item, move on to the next item. The same item cannot be used more than once. For example, a tree branch (something from nature) cannot also be the ‘thing’ that is green. They must find something else that is green.
Once all items have been found, announce to the ladies that they will now use these items, and ONLY these items (plus the string or tape if needed), to create a one-of-a-kind Masterpiece! Three to five minutes should be enough time for the ladies to work together to create a fabulous, or fabulously silly!, work of art. An extra ‘touch’ would be to challenge the ladies to name their masterpiece creations, like in a museum. If working with only one group, the ladies can make suggestions for a title and vote on it!
Make sure each group photographs their Masterpieces. Perhaps you can print them for a ‘Museum of Masterpieces’ display to hang on the wall in inexpensive frames. Tack on a little sign with the chosen name(s) of said Masterpiece(s), and you’ve got a winner for all to admire and enjoy!
Biblical Application:
There are days when we feel completely put together. We look good, we feel good, and we have confidence enough to conquer the world! But then there are the days when we feel like a hot mess. Your hair is not cooperating. It’s 10 pm and your child has informed you that the popsicle-stick-art project is due… at 8 am tomorrow morning. Somehow a red towel made it into the laundry, and your husband’s white undershirts are now a vibrant pink. Not much is going right, life is hectic, and, frankly, you feel like you’re made up from bunch of random stuff just thrown together. But, just as we took random stuff and created a fun masterpiece, God takes the seeming randomness of our lives and turns it into something of great value. On the days when we feel the most worthless, like the contents of the ‘junk drawer,’ God does not throw us out! He redeems every part of our lives to create a beautiful masterpiece.
“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so that we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10
Right now, the Holy Spirit is at work in your life. He is forming you, molding you, and shaping you as you bring the love of Jesus into the world. Take heart, ladies. For you, my friend, are a MASTERPIECE.
Chorus suggestions:
⦁ Change My Heart, Oh God
⦁ Spirit of the Living God
Attached are some samples of completed Scavenger Hunt Masterpieces.

Download printable instructions for this craft activity: