Home League Guidelines
The Salvation Army USA Western Territory
While Home League is a Women’s Ministries program, it is an international fellowship with specific required guidelines.
“I will live a pure life in my house…” (Psalm 101:2b, Good News Bible).
The four-fold aim is central to the Home League. In order to reach the objectives of the Home League program successfully, the programs must be varied and interesting, thus maintaining the attention of the members and attracting new women. To ensure balance, variety and interest, the program must include these four elements:
- Worship – to encourage spiritual growth and give opportunity to receive Christ (that we might know more of God and His will concerning us)
- Education – to enhance personal and family life skills, and inform of social and moral issues affecting the community, the nation, and the world (that we might improve our skills and develop our powers of thought)
- Fellowship – to nurture wholesome relationships and foster meaningful fellowship (that we might share in happy Christian comradeship)
- Service – to produce active participation in giving and doing for others in the corps, community, nation and the world (that we might learn to know the joy of giving and doing for others)
The fundamental purpose of the Home League is:
- To win women for Christ, encourage spiritual growth, and provide Christian fellowship
- To promote a purposeful life
- To work toward the betterment of the home, the community, the nation, and the world
- To recruit soldiers and link families to the fellowship of believers

Person Eligible
After attending Home League meetings for a minimum of four weeks, not necessarily consecutively, women fourteen years of age and over, whether married or single, saved or unsaved, are eligible for membership in the Home League.
Recruitment of new members should be ongoing by all members of the Home League.
Membership Card & Pin
Upon enrollment each member receives a membership card and is eligible to wear either the Home League or Women’s Ministries pin, not both at the same time. Either pin should be presented to each member at the time of her enrollment. The membership card, duly signed and supplied by the Divisional Women’s Ministries Secretary, should also be given at this time. Membership cards and pins may be available from the Divisional Women’s Ministries Secretary office or through Tradewest.
Members are encouraged to attend Home League meetings and activities regularly.
A woman who attends Home League meetings in two corps should be recorded as a member of one Home league and a visitor of the other.
Men who attend Home League meetings should not be recorded on the Home League roll but their attendance may be counted.
Each member and prospective member is encouraged to pay weekly dues determined by the Corps Home League. This is a contribution only. When any member is unable to make the usual contribution, this must not prevent her from being welcomed at and participating in the meetings.
An official Home League members’ roll should be kept by the Home League Recorder, always available to the Home League Secretary and Corps Officer or other authorized person and brought up-to-date annually at a meeting of the Women’s Ministries review and revision team. Upon enrollment the names, addresses and enrollment dates of the women must be entered into the database.
It is important to have a record of the address and phone numbers of every member. Birthdates and other important data are helpful so that cards may be sent and special days acknowledged. When working with groups, it is important to have emergency contact names and numbers. Some HL groups have their members and regular attendees fill out forms requesting this information. The forms are kept in a binder and available whenever the group meets. It is updated on a yearly basis or as changes occur.

The Divisional Women’s Ministries Secretary, or her representative, will review the records of every Home League annually, in the presence of the corps officer/officer-in-charge/corps administrator, the Home League Secretary and other local officers as available. The Divisional Director of Women’s Ministries will ensure that this review takes place in accordance with territorial policy. (See Procedures for Removal of Home League Members under this section).
Home League Records
- The official membership and visitors record book is kept by the Record Sergeant (Home League Recorder if warranted). This should include those members who are interested in the Home League but unable to attend meetings because of ill health, infirmity or personal reasons.
- Home League funds are kept in the corps custodial account, in accordance with Salvation Army policy.
- A minute book should be kept by the Record Sergeant.
- Where necessary, a history book should be kept by the Record Sergeant.
- Membership cards are issued by Divisional Headquarters.
- An up-to-date inventory of Home League equipment should be kept.
Procedures of Removal of Home League Members
According to USA National and Territorial guidelines for the Home League, names may be removed from the Home League rolls of members who have:
- Passed away
- Moved away
- Transferred to another League
- Requested removal
- Been absent for at least twelve (12) months, provided the member has been visited and every effort has been made for her return
In cases other than death or transfer, every effort must be made to contact the member being proposed for removal through one of the following ways:
- Telephone call
- Letter
- Personal visit
Meeting Content
The Home League Secretary is responsible for meetings as planned by the Quarterly Planning Council. Meetings will include worship, education, service and fellowship, in accordance with the fundamental purpose and national objectives of Women’s Ministries. Regular meetings should include:
- A devotional period
- Announcements of the corps
- Invitation to members and their families to attend corps activities Meetings may include:
- Enrollment service
- Worship programs that encourage spiritual growth and give opportunity for the women to receive Christ
- Educational programs dealing with such concerns as social, moral or ethical issues; information on practical matters, such as health and family issues; crafts and home management
- Fellowship programs that include informal celebrations of birthdays, holiday observances, etc.
- Service programs that give members opportunity for active participation in helpful projects for the corps, community, nation and the world
Suggested meeting procedure (the format is flexible; variety is the key)
- A warm welcome
- Introduction of visitors
- Devotions
- Business
- Recording of attendance and dues – weekly
- Finance report – monthly or quarterly
- Committee reports as necessary
- Announcements
- Program feature
- Courtesies
- Refreshments
- Benediction
The format used for meetings in many leagues is to rotate the four program emphases (worship, education, fellowship, service) on a weekly basis. In other leagues the four elements are carried out in each meeting. There is no set pattern. It is important to remember that the four elements should be implemented in program planning.
Discontinuation of an established Home League will need approval from THQ. Corps Officers contact the DWMS for the proper guidelines.