Women’s Ministries is the umbrella term that covers all ministries offered to women in The Salvation Army, which includes Home League and Women’s Ministries Outreach Groups.
Fundamental Purpose – Women’s Ministries Mission
To win women for Christ, encourage spiritual growth, and provide Christian fellowship
To promote a purposeful life
To work toward the betterment of the home, the community, the nation and the world
To recruit soldiers and link families to the fellowship of believers
Aim Women play a vital and definitive role in shaping society through their influence in the home and family. The aim of any Women’s Ministries program is to provide Christian fellowship and practical help that will benefit not only the individual and her family, but also the nation.
Programming of meetings and activities should be varied and informative and include the four-fold purpose of:
Worship Education Fellowship Service
Expectation A variety of Corps programs can be used to win women (and their families) for Christ, to minister to their needs, and to encourage their spiritual development. Among these: the Home League is unique in that common requirements must be followed to ensure its international unity and maintain the worldwide fellowship.
Minimum Standards – 24 combined Home League and Women’s Ministries meetings Observance of Women’s Sunday, Annual Meetings and World Day of Prayer Involvement – Corps, World Services, Territorial, Divisional, Corps Projects (financial/in-kind)
Where there are several women’s group leaders, one should be appointed as the corps Women’s Ministries Secretary.
Spiritual: Intimate relationship with God Sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit Jealous for God’s honor, not her own Devoted to prayer & Bible study Committed to God and His Word Committed to personal growth
Working: Regular Attendance & Support of Corps Team Player Wears Salvation Army uniform (if soldier) Faces and deals with issues Thinks before acting (…or speaking!) Serves, motivates, and can delegate to others
“Truly, the best thing any of us have to bring to leadership is our own transforming selves.” Ruth Haley Barton ~ Strengthening The Soul of Your Leadership
https://usw-womensministries.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/christina-wocintechchat-com-Q2W7KdULXaE-unsplash-scaled.jpg17092560Beth Desplanckehttps://usw-womensministries.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/uswLogo-300x75-300x75.pngBeth Desplancke2023-10-03 11:28:032023-10-03 11:28:05Qualities of a Leader
Every Christian faces times of spiritual battle and struggle. We have an enemy of our souls, the devil, who wants to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10). However, we have victory through Christ, and we don’t have to let the enemy win in our lives. That’s what this month’s newsletter is all about – flourishing in and through the times of battle.
This month’s verse promises us triumph – because of the shed blood of Jesus and by speaking our testimony of what the Lord has done for us!
They triumphed over him [the devil] by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony. Revelation 12:11a
By Major Gaylene Yardley Divisional Women’s Ministries Secretary – Southwest Division
This month’s craft is a little different. No written directions, but Major Gaylene has created a video of how you can make a lamp shade from old slides.
This month as we focus on flourishing in the battle season, we need to never forget that the light defeats the darkness.
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. John 1:5
By Lisa Garcia Director of Loss Control and Compliance Risk Management Department – Territorial Headquarters
When I think of an example of flourishing, my first thought is something that is showing evidence of success. Maybe a plant that is growing tall and healthy with beautiful blooms or someone who has it all together and never seems to be struggling. By that definition, I was always resentful of those who were flourishing. Those who had it all together, did everything expected of them with minimal effort or was just thriving. I was never thriving – I was always in crisis or surrounded by drama and most of that was my own making. I was living by the seat of my pants and attempting to manipulate everything to be on my terms. So many times, that translated into not caring what happened to anyone, especially myself. I fumbled on that way until May of 2005, when I begrudgingly walked into The Salvation Army, Adult Rehabilitation Center in Pasadena and decided to try something different. I was going to, the first time in my life, try and not be an alcoholic and drug addict in active addiction.
Once I had some sobriety under my belt, I realized that I am a very proud alcoholic and drug addict. You may be thinking that proud is a very strange way to describe an addict or addiction, but to understand why I am so proud, you would have to know where I came from and more importantly, where God has led me since then.
I was raised mainly by my grandparents because of my parent’s addiction problems. I always swore that I would never end up like my parents and I ended up worse. I started drinking socially in high school and loved how it made me feel. I was smarter, prettier, more personable. I went on to start college at USC and that’s where my drinking and using career really took off and I eventually had to drop out without one credit. My life with drugs and alcohol were not without brief periods of employment, stability and some happiness that came with the birth of my children, but they were always followed by lower lows. I had brief periods of being clean from one substance or alcohol but was never completely abstinent from everything. Not exactly sure when it happened, but things progressed in a way that I could not get ahead of my addiction and started to spiral. My spiral lasted several years and during that time, my life consisted of getting and losing jobs; being arrested and eventually, serving jail time; having utilities disconnected and being evicted; and the worst was my kids being removed from my care, more than once, due to my drug use. I would do what I needed to do to get them back and then use again. It was such a vicious cycle that I couldn’t see my demise or the damage that I was doing to those around me. I never thought about making a change to improve my life, I just kept living a lie and telling myself that I was ok and everyone else was wrong. I could go on and on about how low I had sunk but that is less important to what I choose to focus on today.
Thanks to my friend Jill who called a family friend who was a judge, and he recommended The Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Center in Pasadena. Jill arranged to pick me up at 7 am and all I had to do was stay sober. At 6 am, before she picked me up, I drank 2 beers. For the first time in a very long time, I was honest when they asked me when the last time that I drank was and sure enough, they turned me away. They turned me away but promised that if I stayed sober for the next two days, they would hold my bed. I didn’t know how I was going to do it, but God did. Under Jill’s watchful eye of Jill, I did manage to stay sober, entered the program and have stayed sober since 5/25/2005.
While in the ARC, I was presented with a crash course in God, but I was ready to learn how to live again, or even more importantly, to find out how to live like God would want me to. I didn’t know about the faith-based aspect of The Salvation Army when I agreed to go and it is probably a good thing because I may have chosen not to go because I had no connection with God other than to pray to get me out of my messes that I got myself into…like being arrested, DCFS hearings, failing drug tests and so on. Based on my past, a relationship with God scared me, like maybe I wasn’t worthy of his goodness, because after all, I had done some horrible things while in my addiction and God’s grace wasn’t for people like me. Boy, was I wrong – I am exactly who God’s grace is for. When I kneeled for the first time to pray and accept Jesus into my life, I knew, from that moment, that my life would be infinitely better from now on, I didn’t know how, I just knew that it would be. I felt a love in my heart that I had only heard about and been skeptical of.
My relationship with God is something that I never take for granted. I am far from perfect, as my family and co-workers will attest to, but with God on my side, I was able to begin to forgive myself for the things that I had done and when I was able to begin to forgive myself, I was able to love myself and that is what has truly helped to heal me and allowed me to love others and accept their love for me. I share often about the feelings of love that my ARC Administrators Majors Dave & Gaylene Yardley instilled in me. The love that they showed me was the first real love, with no strings attached, that I had accepted in so long. Sometimes that was tough love, but they made sure that I knew the difference. To be told that I am a trophy of grace and God loves me, no matter what, was powerful. God opened my heart and allowed me to believe them. In turn, I gave myself a little chance and started to love myself. I learned that my calling is to love on those until they can love themselves. I don’t have to love their actions, but to love that they are a child of God and deserve a second chance is what I do to give back. My most important life lesson thus far has been that God loves me and there is nothing I can do about it.
Is the person who has struggles but keeps on going thought of as flourishing? Do we think of the ugly weed growing up in the sidewalk as flourishing? Maybe not by some standards, but the Bible tells me differently. Job 8:7 “Your beginning will seem so small, since your future will flourish,” is my constant reminder to keep on thriving and encouraging others to do the same.
I was able to return to the school that I failed out of nearly 30 years ago, University of Southern California and get my Master of Public Administration with a Nonprofit focus in 2019 and did that while getting treatment for breast cancer. I mention that to say that even while life is showing up on life’s terms, I will remain faithful and flourish during every season. I am thankful to God for all that he has done for me, but more importantly, that I can share with others about how great my God is.
https://usw-womensministries.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Pasadena-ARC-scaled.jpg19202560Beth Desplanckehttps://usw-womensministries.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/uswLogo-300x75-300x75.pngBeth Desplancke2023-09-13 12:43:402023-09-13 12:43:44Flourishing Story: Flourishing through the Battle
There are times when we just feel spiritually dry or thirsty. How do we flourish even in the dry seasons? This month’s newsletter is all about how we can flourish in the dry season. We satisfy our spiritual thirst by connecting with God, and His Word.
… Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.” John 7:37-38
By Major Noelle Nelson Divisional Women’s Ministries Secretary – Golden State Division
The desert has a lot of beauty. The shades of red and orange, the cliffs, cactus, various trees, plant life, and the variety of animals may come as a surprise! There is more than meets the eye. This craft will allow you to enjoy the beauty of the desert, and even take it with you, without having to brave the heat.
PREP TIME: 10 minutes
TOTAL TIME: 1 hour 10 minutes
Empty clear glass bottle or container
Funnel (you can make one with paper taped together into a cone)
Various kinds of sand (try to pick distinct colors or textures – from outside, the craft store, etc.)
Small clippings of desert-type plants, or bits of rough shrub
Small rocks (make sure they will fit through the opening of your bottle)
Paper towel, plastic wrap, & tape to create stopper (if your container does not have a stopper or lid)
A bamboo skewer to move items around in the bottle (remember, the opening is small)
Gather all your materials. If working indoors, work over a shallow box or newspaper to catch all the sand and clippings.
Funnel in your sand. If you have gathered sand from outside, made sure to sift out any debris. To create slopes, tilt your funnel to one side for one sand color then fill the gap with the next sand type. You can also use the skewer to swirl the colors together.
Continue to create sand layers, adding pretty decorative rocks between the layers. NOTE: the rock layers need to be thick so the sand won’t cover them.
Keep going until the neck of the bottle starts to get smaller.
Add plants, small colorful rocks, and other treasures! Use the skewer to position them.
Stop the bottle and treat it gently! Fashion a stopper using some paper towel. Cover over tightly with a piece of plastic wrap; secure with clear tape. If you have to transport it, try to make sure it stays level! Too much motion could cause the contents to get mixed together.
Enjoy your Desert in a Bottle!
Download a printable version of these instructions:
Lt. Matilde Esparza Gilroy, CA Corps – Golden State Division
Note: This month’s story is provided in Spanish only.
Caminando con el mejor guia
¿Alguna vez ha escuchado a Dios llamándole a seguir su camino pero de lo contrario usted se desvía y se aleja?
Permítanme compartir con ustedes algo que me describe muy bien, me encanta practicar el senderismo (Hiking). Puedo pasar horas simplemente caminando y muchas veces sin saber a dónde voy. Hasta ahora, lo máximo que he caminado en un día son 10 millas, alrededor de unas 4 horas. El senderismo no solo me permite mantenerme físicamente activa, sino que también me permite tener una conexión muy cercana con Dios a través de su increíble creación. He estado en varios lugares y cada uno de ellos es maravilloso y perfecto. Cada lugar tiene detalles que los hace únicos, donde puedo ver claramente la mano de nuestro Creador. Con el tiempo he aprendido a preparar mis rutas de senderismo, siempre me aseguro de llevar lo necesario como agua, bocadillos, calzado y ropa adecuados, mi teléfono con carga suficiente, audifonos, etc. Pero he aprendido que lo más importante que devo llevar es un mapa. Y aun llevando un mapa, no puedo mentir, en ocasiones me desvío por querer tomar desviaciones. Muy seguido, encuentro que estas desviaciones son muy difíciles y hay veces que no encuentro la salida y tengo que regresar y seguir mi mapa.
Igual que en mis recorridos por los senderos, durante mi juventud me desvie del plan del Señor; la primera vez que me desvié de sus caminos fue a la edad de 16 años, cuando tuve la oportunidad de conocer al Señor por primera vez. Él me estaba llamando; me ofreció lo mejor de la vida al caminar junto a El. Pero la terquedad de mi juventud y las ganas de disfrutar la vida me hicieron alejarme y tomé la desviación más dura y dificil de la vida. Reconozco que mi vida fue muy infeliz y muy oscura porque cambié las actividades de una joven de 17 años por una vida llena de problemas emocionales. Viniendo de una familia rota, tomé mi propio camino para encontrar la felicidad y una familia amorosa y perfecta para mis hijos. Pero en lugar de eso, me encontre sin amor abusada física y emocionalmente por la persona que se suponía que me amaba.
Encontramos en la escritura, en el libro Jonás, Capítulo 1 versículo 3: “Pero Jonás huyó del Señor y se dirigió a Tarsis”. Jonás no quería obedecer a Dios; no quiso evangelizar a la ciudad de Nínive. Escapó del propósito del Señor para su vida porque no se había consagrado a Dios. El Señor le habló muchas veces, pidiéndole que evangelizara a la ciudad perdida. Pero Jonás le dijo NO a Dios. Y escapó de la presencia del Señor.
Yo me relaciono muy bien con la historia de Jonás, porque escapé de la presencia de Dios, tomando una desviación muy peligrosa y dolorosa, y aunque después de algunos años regresé, mi corazón quería ser libre, yo quería tomar mi propio camino, lejos de la presencia del Señor. Yo dije NO a Dios muchas veces y jamaz encontre la paz, el respeto, o la felicidad. Nunca encontré el AMOR de los demás para mi. Asi, como la historia de Jonás continúa en el versículo 4: “Entonces el Señor envió un gran viento en el mar, y se levantó una tormenta tan violenta que la nave amenazaba con romperse”. Dios estaba llamando a Jonás; Dios le estaba diciendo: “Vuelve a mí, haz lo que te digo, o nunca tendrás paz. Bueno, al igual que la historia de Jonás, Yo me enfrenté a una gran tormenta en mi vida. Algo que pensé que nunca me sucedería, me encontré en una situación de la que no encontraba el camino correcto, y al igual que Jonás, Dios me estaba llamando no solo a retomar su camino sino a OBEDECERLE, y aceptar su guía, ya habian pasado muchos años desde que tuve mi primer encuentro con el Señor cuando decidí aceptarlo en mi vida.
Entonces todo cambió, comencé a obedecer a Dios, comencé a usar su guianza en mi vida, comencé a usar su maravilloso mapa (su palabra). Y Él comenzó a cambiar mi vida, encontré el verdadero amor en Él porque el amor de Dios es incondicional.
Desde ese día, Dios siempre proporcionó todo para poder sostener mi familia como madre soltera. Fué durante este caminar al lado del Señor cuando tambien me guió a encontrar el propósito en mi vida, durante este viaje no solo encountré su salvación, perdon, y amor pero también encontre el regalo más hermoso hace doce años, fue el llamado al Oficialato. Y aunque sé que tomé el camino más largo, entiendo que deví esperar, aprender, cambiar, y sanar mi corazón roto, y aquí estoy, siguiendo mi viaje, caminando junto al Señor día a día, como dice su palabra en Salmos 18:30-32:
El camino de Dios es perfecto; la palabra del Señor es intachable. Escudo es Dios a los que en él se refugian. ¿Quién es Dios, si no el Señor? ¿Quién es la roca, si no nuestro Dios? Es El quien me arma de valor y endereza mi camino;
https://usw-womensministries.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Hiking-scaled.jpg19202560Beth Desplanckehttps://usw-womensministries.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/uswLogo-300x75-300x75.pngBeth Desplancke2023-07-31 10:10:102023-07-31 10:10:14Flourishing Story: Walking With the Best Guide
Whether we like it or not, we all have times where we have to wait. God often uses the waiting times to grow and strengthen our faith. This month’s newsletter is all about how we can flourish in the wait. It isn’t about killing time in the waiting, but filling our time in the waiting.
Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord. Psalm 27:14
You will need: ⦁ Paper mâché letters (I used 12 inch letters found at JoAnn’s) ⦁ Mod Podge ⦁ Craft paint (any color) + paintbrush ⦁ Matte clear sealant spray (poly urethane) optional ⦁ 4 x 6 – 5 x 7 photos (size will depend on the picture): Each letter used about 5 photos. Print extras so you have options. ⦁ Scissors, paper trimmer
The first step is to paint the sides and backs of the paper mâché letters. I used inexpensive acrylic craft paint. You could also use spray paint if you prefer. Allow paint to dry. After it dried, I decided to paint the front side of the letters to help blend the edge of my photos.
Next, lay out photos on top of each letter and determine which photos you want to go where. This took the most time, figuring out how to cut and fit all the pictures together, like a puzzle. For each individual letter, arrange all of the photos onto letter to ensure it looks how you want, before gluing any of the photos down.
Note: I used the letters as a guide to trace and then cut each picture to fit.
Paint a thin layer of Mod Podge over the letter where the picture is going to go.
Place the photo down on the Mod Podge and gently press it down. Keep a paper towel handy to wipe off any excess Mod Podge.
Repeat with more photos until your letter is completely covered. Keep your fingers clean as you work and try not to smear Mod Podge over the photos.
Finally, seal your photo collage letter with another layer of Mod Podge or matte clear sealant spray. If using Mod Podge, just brush a thin layer of Mod Podge over the entire surface. It will go on white and dry clear. However, it will show brushstrokes. If this bothers you, use the clear sealant spray instead.
Download a printable version of these instructions: