For the month of July we are focusing on how hope is like an anchor.
We have this hope as an anchor for our soul, firm and secure. Hebrews 6:19a
In this Inspire Newsletter you will find clever anchor craft ideas, an encouraging word, and monthly Bible trivia questions about seafarers in the Bible.
As always, we include inspirational ideas from Women’s Ministries around the USA Western Territory to inspire you and your Women’s Ministries Group to try something new.
“Hope is called the anchor of the soul because it gives stability to the Christian life. But hope is not simply a ‘wish’ I wish that such-and-such would take place rather, it is that which latches on to the certainty of the promises of the future that God has made.” R.C. Sproul
By Becky Luke Corps Program Coordinator Ray & Joan Kroc Center, HI – Hawaiian & Pacific Islands Division
Supplies Needed:
Coloring pages printed on basic white printer paper. Picture needs to fit in the mason jar lid. If your coloring pages are too large for the mason jar lid, custom print at a lower percentage.
Mason jar lids (wide or regular mouth)
Any type of oil – this is the element to make your coloring page translucent
Cotton balls
Twine or Ribbon
Glue – Tacky Glue
Paper towel – to protect work area and absorb excess oil
Color your coloring page using watercolor paints, markers or any other material you choose.
Once colored, use a cotton ball to apply oil to your art. Make sure to cover all the paper. You don’t have to drench the paper, just cover completely. Dab excess oil up with a paper towel or tissue and allow to dry for about 5 minutes.
Using the mason jar lid, trace a circle around the art and then cut the circle, inside the line so the art fits inside the mason lid.
Apply a little bit of glue inside the lid and place the art in the lid, art side facing outward.
Wrap twine around the lid, tie a knot to hold in place. Leave at least 4″ of twice and tie a knot at the top so you can hang your sun catcher.
By Major Nancy Helms Spiritual Care Director – College for Officer Training
“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of others. In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.” Philippians 2: 3-7
Some of the greatest lessons on leadership have been passed on to me from my son Cameron, who has special needs. Cam was born with profound deafness, cerebral palsy and cognitive delays – none of which have stopped him from achieving mammoth milestones throughout his life journey. I was recently taking a walk with Cam, and about halfway through our walk we ran into one of his martial arts friends and mentors on her way to class (we live on the grounds of the campus his class is on). I totally spaced out and forgot it was karate night (insert facepalm to the forehead). In my brain I’m going back and forth – “should I run ¾ of a mile home, get his stuff and meet up with him to get him changed, or just forget it?” I knew he would be devastated if he missed his class, so I decided to hurry home and retrieve his gear.
Much to my surprise, Cam walked in the door of our house right behind me. No joke, that’s the fastest ¾ mile he has walked in a very long time. He was sweating profusely, and we still had to get him dressed. It takes me quite a while just to get his gloves on, as his left hand has little dexterity, and as soon as I get one finger in, another pops out; but together we made it happen.
I wish I could transport all of you to his class that night so that you too, could see the greatest lesson on leadership I have ever witnessed. His instructor had him demonstrate for the rest of the group some of the moves they had been working on – a solo, so to speak. The instructor also had Cam come up in front of everyone and proceeded to have him lead the group in tandem with him, which empowered Cam beyond what you can imagine. Cam was a step behind in his moves and somewhat clumsy compared to most, which is to be expected with someone that has cognitive and physical delays; but he nailed the moves in his time and with his individual ability. The best part was when the entire class, children and adults, cheered with passion, while giving Cam the American Sign Language applause (hands raised in the air and waving). As I watched from my parked care, tears welled up. I thought to myself, “this is Church and leadership at its best – teaching, encouraging, loving, equipping and including.”
“This is Church and leadership at its best – teaching, encouraging, loving, equipping and including.”
Major Nancy Helms
Cameron Helms and Cadet David Culley (who will be commissioned as a Lt. in The Salvation Army June 5, 2022)
I went to bed thanking God for those in Cam’s life who have noticed him, invited him and included him – those who have recognized his abilities, rather than his disabilities – those who have realized that Cam, too, can lead and influence others. I thanked him for his martial arts buddies, who take turns coming alongside Cam on Monday and Thursday nights, sacrificing their personal training to focus on him. Then again, when we take time to teach and serve others, perhaps we are gaining skills and growing as leaders in ways could never imagine.
For just a moment that night, Cam was a leader – he had a place at the table where he belonged 100 percent. It was powerful experience for this mom to witness. I know without a doubt it is a moment in time he will tuck away in his heart and mind for years to come. He will feel empowered from the memory and encouraged from those around him who cheered him on. When I thanked his instructor for his part in nurturing Cam, he said, “When my life plan was to own a martial arts school, I planned to have a special needs inclusion program for students exactly like Cameron. It’s funny how God reworks our dreams to be better than we could have imagined them ourselves.” His instructor is now training to become a minister of the gospel in The Salvation Army, and I have the privilege of partnering in ministry with him.
“When my life plan was to own a martial arts school, I planned to have a special needs inclusion program for students exactly like Cameron. It’s funny how God reworks our dreams to be better than we could have imagined them ourselves.”
Cadet David Culley
This experience reminded me of how Jesus often led, making every individual feel as if they belonged and had a seat of influence. One of my favorite books is, In the Name of Jesus: Reflections on Christian Leadership, by Henri Nouwen. Nouwen was well known in the academic world, having been a professor at Notre Dame, Yale and Harvard. He left his notoriety to serve in a home filled with disabled individuals. He said, “Their liking or disliking of me had absolutely nothing to do with any of the many useful things I had done until then…These broken, wounded, and completely unpretentious people forced me to let go of my relevant self – the self that can do things, show things, prove things, build things – and forced me to reclaim that unadorned self in which I am completely vulnerable, open to receive and give love regardless of any accomplishments…I am convinced that the Christian leader of the future is called to be completely irrelevant and to stand in this world with nothing to offer but his or her own vulnerable self. That is the way Jesus came to reveal God’s love.” That is the epitome of a servant leader!
I’m so glad I decided to hurry home and get Cam dressed for martial arts that night. It’s one of the best decisions I have made in a long time. Not only did I get to see Cam lead; I also saw a great example from Cam’s leader, as well as those around him, on how to lead from a posture of humility – allowing the student to become the teacher. It was a humbling moment and a teaching moment, for sure. Desplancke Desplancke2022-06-15 14:26:002022-06-15 14:26:55She Leads... By Including All
It’s summer time! This month’s newsletter focuses on the ocean. If you aren’t blessed enough to be able to visit a beach in person, you can make some beach inspired crafts to brighten your home. Enjoy some Bible trivia about bodies of water mentioned in the Bible, and be reminded about the fact God is greater and mightier than the ocean.
Who is like you, Lord God Almighty? You, Lord, are mighty, and your faithfulness surrounds you. You rule over the surging sea; when its waves mount up, you still them. Psalm 89:8-9
By Major Nancy Helms Spiritual Care Director – College for Officer Training
Any of the ideas below can easily be made from sea glass/pottery. If you can’t get to the beach to find your own, you can purchase it in bulk at a good price online. It might be faux, but that’s okay. Make sure to look for smooth pieces that aren’t too big. If you want to be exact with the technical pieces like the cross or hummingbird, you can tape a template to the other side of the glass and then remove it once pieces are glued in place. Really, you can make anything you want with a good template. For the song and notes, I just glued pieces onto a scrap block of wood I previously sanded down. My manger scene is made with sea pottery, but you can use glass, too.
For pictures you will need:
Small frame (purchase at Joanne Fabrics or Michaels)
Sea glass
E 6000 glue
Or a block of scrap wood
Windex and small cotton device to remove excess glue
I also enjoy creating temporary sea glass stackers. I find it to be good spiritual therapy. I pray for myself and others as I place each piece in the stack. It reminds me of the body of Christ, and how we all fit together to form God’s Church.
If you aren’t crafty, but like coastal décor, it’s fun just to collect glass and place it in jars, vases, bowls, etc., to place around the house.
Sometimes, I will take a piece like this, that has a little groove and rub it between my fingers while I ponder God’s amazing grace and deep ocean of love for me.
By Major Noelle Nelson Divisional Women’s Ministries Secretary – Golden State Division
When I think of a leader, I picture a confident and commanding presence. A bold individual who rallies a team toward unity and victory. Someone who instills a sense of strength and calm amongst the troops. A highly organized ‘someone’ who is not afraid to be up in the front. What I do not envision is someone who works behind the scenes, say, struggling to pull off a stage play while simultaneously stapling ripped costumes back together (because who has time to stitch??), tossing random snacks to the kids, and frantically attempting to find an electrician who can repair the stage lights RIGHT NOW! I envision that person and think, “Nope, that is NOT a leader. That is a chicken with her head cut off.” That last example may be a bit extreme, but you get the idea. I think we probably all have pretty much the same general thoughts on what we believe makes a good leader, and what does not.
My fondest childhood memories are of summers spent camping and hiking through Yosemite National Park and Tuolumne Meadows. Each year my sister and I couldn’t wait to get back to trail-hiking at our favorite spots with Ranger Laura Lemons. Who was Ranger Laura Lemons? I dare say she was the best hiking guide this side of the country! At least my sister and I were convinced of this. At the appointed time each afternoon my parents dropped us off and handed us over into the capable hands of Ranger Laura Lemons. Ranger Laura would gather all the children together and have us sit on the ground. After a brief introduction she would quiz us on what she taught us the previous day: What birds live here during the summer? What plant life is alive and well? What are the sparkly rocks called? (My sister and I always scored 100%.) Then we would all follow in a straight line behind Ranger Laura as she led us on the most glorious trail hikes. Up the side of the mountain, down through the meadow, and across the tiny brook we would go, soaking up the beauty of nature and all the amazing details Ranger Laura shared with us. And, no matter how complicated the trail, we never, ever got lost. Ranger Laura Lemons was a superb leader. We would return to our parents with tales to tell of our fabulous day, and singing the praises of Ranger Laura Lemons.
About 30 years later, on a family camping trip with our parents to the same location, my sister and I had high hopes of reminiscing and showing our own children the very spot where those magical hikes took place. As we approached a ragged little clearing under a scraggy tree my mom announced, “Well girls, this is it!” My dad added, “And it hasn’t changed a bit!” WHAT!?!? Where were the rolling, golden meadows of mountain grass? The long, carved-out trails?? The bubbling brook??? This did not match my memory! I told my parents they must be wrong. They laughed, declaring my young mind must have just ‘saw’ it that way.
Fortunately, my memories of Ranger Laura Lemons held true. Mom and Dad both agreed that Ranger Laura was incredible. The masterful way she held the attention of the kids was a beauty to behold. She truly loved nature and loved to share her knowledge with children. I asked, “So what did she do after taking all of us on those long hikes?” I imagined she probably worked in the main Rangers’ Station and lead strenuous hikes through the mountains. Nope. As it turns out, our fearless ‘leader’ was nothing more than a part-time Junior-Ranger-in-training. Every day she would take little kids (five or six of us, not 25) on short 15-minute (not all day) ‘walks’ (not long hikes) within a cordoned off (not wild and free) area. And that’s all she did, for a few hours each day, for her job. She wasn’t even a ‘full’ Ranger! Wow. This was not the amazing ‘leader’ I remembered. I shared my shock and disappointment with my folks. My mom wisely replied, “That didn’t make Ranger Laura any less of a leader. You girls had wonderful adventures with her! And kids can be very difficult to lead.” I couldn’t argue that.
It gave me something to really think about. Perhaps a leader doesn’t need to be on the front-lines to make a difference. The truth is that there are some great leaders who are behind the scenes. Being up front where we can be seen may feel more glorious, but it’s not the end-all in leadership. Think of the people who have influenced or impacted your life in positive ways. Fair to say many of them were just everyday people who influenced you and impacted your life because they loved you, believed in you, and inspired you to be your best. They saw you how Jesus sees you. These regular folks sound less like ‘leaders’ and more like servants, right? Jesus showed throughout his own life that leaders come in all shapes and sizes, with varying abilities and levels of importance. But the ones who made the biggest difference weren’t constantly focused on being in the ‘big chair.’ The true, life-changing leaders were passionate about others seeing their value and worth in God’s Kingdom. Even if it meant doing it from behind the scenes in a less-than-impressive venue.
We read in Matthew 20:26 & 28, “But among you it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant… For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
There’s no shame in leading from the front. But if that’s not where you’re at, think on this: Christ did a lot of life-changing things from humble places. What an honor it is to realize that you, too, can influence and impact lives, even ‘from behind.’ And from that viewpoint, leading ‘from behind’ can hold some pretty fantastic possibilities. Desplancke Desplancke2022-04-28 11:20:002022-04-28 11:20:24She Leads... From Behind
By Major Noelle Nelson Divisional Women’s Ministries Secretary – Golden State Division
Note: This is a group activity with craft and Biblical application.
This activity works well for one group, several smaller groups (like at a retreat), or even for a Zoom event! In this case, at a regional Women’s Ministries Mini-Retreat held on Zoom, each Corps group created their own ‘masterpiece’ and shared the final project for everyone to see. The ‘crafting’ element can be especially appreciated by ladies who may not be into traditional crafts.
Basic idea: First, the ladies scurry to find the items on a list. Then they work together to create a ‘Masterpiece’ sculpture with the found items! (but they don’t know that part yet…)
Supplies: ⦁ String and/or tape (to hold things together if needed) ⦁ A list of random items ⦁ Camera to photograph the ‘Masterpieces’ (phone camera is perfect)
Scavenger Hunt: The ladies will work in teams. Create a list of random, but not hard to find, items for the ladies to find. Ten to fifteen items is good, but you can do more depending on the energy/motivation level of your ladies. You will be reading this list to them, one item at a time.
Sample list:
A pen
Something brown
A mint or piece of gum
A bobby pin
Something green
A book
Something from nature
Lipstick or lip balm
A food item
A napkin or tissue
A stamp
Something made of fabric
Something red
A rubber band
Nail clippers
Note: Each group only needs to find ONE item from each category (example: a group of 5 ladies only needs to find one nail clipper, not 5 individual nail clippers)
Read one item at a time, giving the ladies time to scurry about looking for the item. Once each group has the item, move on to the next item. The same item cannot be used more than once. For example, a tree branch (something from nature) cannot also be the ‘thing’ that is green. They must find something else that is green.
Once all items have been found, announce to the ladies that they will now use these items, and ONLY these items (plus the string or tape if needed), to create a one-of-a-kind Masterpiece! Three to five minutes should be enough time for the ladies to work together to create a fabulous, or fabulously silly!, work of art. An extra ‘touch’ would be to challenge the ladies to name their masterpiece creations, like in a museum. If working with only one group, the ladies can make suggestions for a title and vote on it! Make sure each group photographs their Masterpieces. Perhaps you can print them for a ‘Museum of Masterpieces’ display to hang on the wall in inexpensive frames. Tack on a little sign with the chosen name(s) of said Masterpiece(s), and you’ve got a winner for all to admire and enjoy!
Biblical Application:
There are days when we feel completely put together. We look good, we feel good, and we have confidence enough to conquer the world! But then there are the days when we feel like a hot mess. Your hair is not cooperating. It’s 10 pm and your child has informed you that the popsicle-stick-art project is due… at 8 am tomorrow morning. Somehow a red towel made it into the laundry, and your husband’s white undershirts are now a vibrant pink. Not much is going right, life is hectic, and, frankly, you feel like you’re made up from bunch of random stuff just thrown together. But, just as we took random stuff and created a fun masterpiece, God takes the seeming randomness of our lives and turns it into something of great value. On the days when we feel the most worthless, like the contents of the ‘junk drawer,’ God does not throw us out! He redeems every part of our lives to create a beautiful masterpiece.
“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so that we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10
Right now, the Holy Spirit is at work in your life. He is forming you, molding you, and shaping you as you bring the love of Jesus into the world. Take heart, ladies. For you, my friend, are a MASTERPIECE.
Chorus suggestions: ⦁ Change My Heart, Oh God ⦁ Spirit of the Living God
Attached are some samples of completed Scavenger Hunt Masterpieces.
Download printable instructions for this craft activity:
“April Showers brings May Flowers,” so the saying goes. In this edition of the newsletter, we celebrate the hope that spring brings. Our monthly Bible trivia questions focus on flowers in the Bible, and the devotional and craft ideas are focused on the butterfly, a beautiful symbol of the hope of transformation we have in Christ.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation: the old has gone, the new has come! 2 Corinthians 5:17
By Captain Jan Pemberton Divisional Women’s Ministries Secretary – Cascade Division
When thinking about leadership, many thoughts come to mind. When we are working for others, we want our leaders to be compassionate, understanding, and helpful. When we are the leaders, we want our people to see us as competent, strong and have all the answers. However, the reality of leadership lands in the middle, especially when it comes to Christian leadership.
When I was at The College For Officer Training (CFOT), one of our officers said the phrase “Love God and Love Others” often. They would then follow it up saying, “if you do these two simple things, then the rest fall into place.” I find this to be true in leadership. If we honestly love God with all our hearts and genuinely love others, as Christ loved, then the rest does fall into place. Caring about our fellow man does not show weakness; it shows the opposite – strength from God and not from ourselves.
I look back on my life when I was picked on and made fun of due to my family life and economic circumstances throughout my childhood and into my teen years. Because of this, I hardened my heart and held onto my hurt and anger in quite a silence; I saw this as a strength and prided myself on not showing my emotions and acting like things did not bother me. When in actuality, I was in great distress and hidden pain. As an adult, especially after rededicating my life to Christ, I found this was not a strength but a significant weakness.
Throughout various stages of my life, I have had many great women in leadership positions that spoke volumes into my personal life and spiritual life. Throughout my life, pre-dedication and post-dedication to Christ, I have had leaders in my life that spoke to me with their actions or words. One such lady was my Jr. High English Literature teacher, Brenda Eubank. She was a wonderful woman who taught a young, shy, and timid girl with low self-esteem and low confidence that she was worth something. Over the time I was in her class, she showed me that I could become a person of strength and could become more confident. She taught me so much not only with her words but in her actions. Mrs. Eubank asked me to be her Teachers’ Assistant during my study hall period during my Sophomore through Senior years of High School. These were moments she took not only to help her with recording grades or other errands for her, but she took these times to show me that I was worth more than I ever knew. The years she took me under her wing helped me grow and gave me strength and hope for the future.
When it came to my spiritual strength, I had a wonderful “Grandmother” figure in Mrs. Betty McCracken. She was my cousin’s grandmother but adopted my mother and me after the loss of my father. She showed me that there was strength and hope in Christ Jesus during the early years of my life. She shared Bible stories and guided and scolded me like all of her other grandchildren. For this, I am forever grateful. It was this foundation that she helps develop that stuck with me growing up and even to this very day.
Looking upon the past, I had leaders that spoke into my life in the secular world, my spiritual walk, and my ministry career. As I grow in my ministry career, when we humble ourselves and honestly give God our undivided attention and serve Him with humility, we will be strengthened and filled with the hope that can only come from God. My past helped shape me into the person I am today, but my future in Christ will guide me to be the leader He wants me to be.
When looking at leadership, we see those who lead with humility, with a servant’s heart, and give clear, heartfelt direction has more buy-in from the team than those who only direct. Neither is right or wrong, but we must look at our team to see how they respond to a particular leadership style. Being prepared to change our leadership styles for those around us shows that we are willing to adapt and lead.
Scriptures on Strength “But I will sing of your strength; in the morning, I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble.” Psalm 59:16 “I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
Scriptures on Hope “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28 Desplancke Desplancke2022-04-28 11:11:002022-04-28 11:11:45She Leads... With Strength and Hope
By Lt. Faith Hartt Klawock, AK Corps – Alaska Division
As Easter approaches my thoughts wander to the garden that early Sunday morning when Mary Magdalene was overjoyed to see her risen Savior. What better way to draw emphasis to Christ’s redemption for believers than a mini model garden scene of the resurrection?
Supplies: ⦁ Large bowl or pot ⦁ Moss ⦁ Flowers and plants (real or artificial) ⦁ Potting soil (if using real plants) ⦁ Small pot or cup ⦁ Small decorative rocks ⦁ Large stone ⦁ Cross
Begin preparing your Resurrection Garden by placing rocks and soil in the bottom of the bowl or container that will hold your garden.
2. Take the small pot and place sideways in the bowl in the location you want for the “tomb.” You can glue rocks on the rim of the cup if you like.
3. Place rocks on either side of the “tomb” so the pot doesn’t roll back and forth while you decorate. With your leftover decorative rocks you can make a tiny stone path.
4. Arrange the plants and lay out the moss over the top and sides of the tomb.
5. Lastly, place the cross on your mini version of Mt. Calvary behind the tomb. Then take the large stone and put it next to the entrance.
Enjoy your Resurrection Garden! I hope that every time you look at it that you would be filled with the strength and hope that comes from knowing that our Lord Jesus conquered death. He is alive forever and ever, Amen!
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” 1 Peter 1:3 ESV