Flourishing in Our Identity: You are Redeemed

By Colonel Genevera Vincent

There are certain words that evoke pleasant thoughts as they are spoken. One such word for me is the word “Redeemed.” Spoken, in reference to everyday things like redeeming your ticket for a ride at Disney, may be special but it is not life changing. The word redeemed spoken from a biblical perspective, however, is special indeed!

Whenever I hear the word redeemed, I think of the story of Hosea and Gomer. It’s a tragic story as Gomer chases after her lovers, continuing in her unfaithfulness to her husband. Her husband Hosea buys her back – redeems her because he loves her. Hosea does this in obedience to God to show Israel how she has sinned against God and how God in his love longs to redeem her, to buy her back from pagan nations she has prostituted herself with. What a beautiful picture of the love and mercy of God.

Cory Asbury has written a song called “The Reckless Love of God.” I have refrained from using this song in a worship time because I believe that the love of God is anything but reckless. God’s love is intentional and never ending. A closer look at this song, however, helps paint a different picture. If you think of the word reckless here as God’s love being abundant and never cautious, the song has great meaning. We think of the word reckless in a negative sense but when you think of it in terms of God’s love knowing no bounds and chasing after us to redeem us, it is rather beautiful.

So, if you are one who has not used this song for the same reasons I did, will you please oblige me and read the words of the song through a slightly different lens? Look at the words in terms of the price Christ paid for us on the cross-loving us and dying for us when we were still sinners.

When I was your foe, still your love fought for me
You have been so, so good to me
When I felt no worth, you paid it all for me
You have been so, so kind to me

Oh, the overwhelming, never-ending, reckless love of God
Oh, it chases me down, fights till I’m found, leaves the ninety-nine
I couldn’t earn it, and I don’t deserve it, still you give yourself away
Oh, the overwhelming, never-ending, reckless love of God.

It is this kind of love that redeems! None of us is deserving of the love and grace of God but he lavishes his love upon us because of who he is and not because of who we are. Peter reminds us in 1 Peter 1:18-19, “For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver and gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect.”

If you read 1 Peter 1:13-2:3, it is a call to holiness. Once we’ve been redeemed and bought back to God through the sacrifice of Christ on the cross, our redemption doesn’t become our ticket to heaven with nothing to do in the meantime. From the time we are redeemed to the time God calls us home, we are to live for Christ and live like Christ.

A few years ago, I heard a story of an atheist who was speaking to a group of Christians. In this talk the speaker referred to the redemption that Christians talk about. The speaker continued, “If you say you are redeemed, then you’d better start acting redeemed!” Ouch! What a challenge and yet what a truth. We truly flourish in our identity in Christ as his redeemed children when we not only say we are redeemed but we live like redeemed people.

I am truly grateful that I am not left on my own to live for God as his redeemed child. That would be disastrous. We do not do this journey with God alone. We have the Holy Spirit within us-comforting, challenging, guiding and correcting when necessary. With his help, I know I can flourish as one who has been redeemed!

Listen to Cory Asbury’s song:

You Are My Masterpiece: Embracing Our Identity in Christ

By Commissioner Colleen Riley

When was the last time you looked in the mirror and truly appreciated the person staring back at you? For many of us, the mirror reflects insecurities, flaws, or the endless to-do lists of our lives. Yet, God sees something profoundly different. In Ephesians 2:10, we are reminded: “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.”

This truth—that we are God’s masterpiece—is a declaration of our worth and identity in Him. It’s an invitation to step away from worldly comparisons and into the beauty of being uniquely and wonderfully created by the Creator of the universe.

A masterpiece is a work of outstanding artistry, skill, and effort. Artists pour their time, vision, and soul into creating something truly special. When God created you, He did not work off a template or rush through the process. Psalm 139:14 tells us that we are “fearfully and wonderfully made.”

Every part of you—your strengths, quirks, personality, and even your struggles—was intricately designed by God for a purpose. He didn’t create you by accident or mistake; He created you with intentionality and love. Like an artist signing their name on their best work, God’s fingerprints are all over you.

In today’s culture, it’s easy to fall into the trap of comparison. Social media feeds are filled with highlight reels that make us question our own worth. But remember this: no two masterpieces are the same. Comparing yourself to someone else is like comparing a Van Gogh to a Monet—both are breathtaking in their own right but were never meant to be identical.

When we embrace that we are God’s masterpiece, we can stop striving to fit into molds that were never meant for us. Instead, we can celebrate our uniqueness and focus on fulfilling the good works God has planned for us.

Being God’s masterpiece doesn’t mean we are without flaws or that our lives are picture-perfect. In fact, many masterpieces undergo a refining process. As believers, we are continually being shaped by God’s hands.

Isaiah 64:8 reminds us, “Yet you, Lord, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.” Sometimes this shaping process involves challenges, pruning, and growth. But every stroke of God’s hand is done out of love, with the goal of making us more like Christ.

Even our brokenness can become part of the masterpiece. Just as a stained glass window is made of shattered pieces, our lives—when surrendered to God—can reflect His light and grace beautifully.

Being God’s masterpiece calls us to a life of purpose and impact. Ephesians 2:10 not only declares our identity but also reminds us of our mission: to do the good works He has prepared for us.

These “good works” don’t have to be grand gestures or public achievements. They can be found in everyday acts of love, kindness, and faithfulness. Whether it’s encouraging a friend, serving in your community, or raising your children in the knowledge of God’s love, these moments are where God’s masterpiece shines.

When we embrace our role in His plan, we step into the fullness of who He created us to be.

One of the most beautiful affirmations of our identity as God’s masterpiece comes from 2 Corinthians 5:17: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”

Through Christ, we are not just made; we are remade. Our flaws, sins, and failures are not the final word on our story. In Jesus, we are renewed, transformed, and given a fresh start. Just as an artist can take a blank canvas or even a damaged piece of art and create something breathtaking, so too does God work in us, making us reflect His glory.

If you wondering how you can live out the the truth that you are God’s masterpiece, try some of these things to help remind yourself:

  • Speak Life Over Yourself: Replace negative self-talk with God’s truth. Instead of “I’m not good enough,” declare, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”
  • Spend Time with the Artist: The more time you spend in prayer and reading God’s Word, the more you will understand His love for you and His plans for your life.
  • Serve Others: Sharing God’s love with others allows His masterpiece in you to inspire and bless those around you.
  • Celebrate Your Uniqueness: Thank God for the gifts, talents, and personality He has given you. Lean into them and use them for His glory.

The beauty of being God’s masterpiece is that our value is not tied to worldly measures. Trends fade, opinions change, and earthly achievements are temporary. But our identity in Christ is eternal.

When God looks at you, He doesn’t see imperfections or failures. He sees His beloved child, redeemed through Christ and destined for a purpose. Rest in that truth today, and allow it to transform how you see yourself and how you live.

Sister, you are God’s masterpiece. No matter where you’ve been or what you’ve done, His love for you is unchanging. Let go of the lies that tell you otherwise and walk confidently in your identity as His treasured creation.

Take a moment to reflect on the Artist who made you and marvel at His handiwork. You are fearfully, wonderfully, and purposefully made. Let your life shine as a testament to the One who calls you His masterpiece.

God’s Love Story

By Major Beth Desplancke

I am a sucker for a good love story (give me a Romcom or a good Hallmark movie any day!). As a child, my favorite stories began with “Once upon a time…” and ended with, “They lived happily ever after.” I remember as a young teenager seeing the movie “Love Story” (for the record, I wasn’t born yet when it was released in 1970). With a title like that, it had to be a love story. Wrong! Yes, Jenny and Oliver fall in love, but there is no happily ever after for these two. Jenny dies! (Since it is more than a 50-year-old movie, I don’t think I have to worry about spoilers.) Then in High School I had to read a William Shakespeare play that is a classic and is called a romance. Once again, I was disappointed as I slogged through old English in poetic form, which was often hard to understand, to discover that Romeo and Juliet both die!

The best love story of all is the love story that God has written. God is love (1 John 4:8) and all that He is and all that He does flows out of that fact. He showed His love by creating a beautiful world – with trees, flowers, plants, animals, fish, birds – and then He created humans, made in His image, to have fellowship with Him.

We know the story. Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, enjoying life and everything is wonderful. And then the hiccup of the love story – Satan slithered into the garden as a serpent and has a conversation with Eve (Genesis 3). That conversation led Eve and Adam both into eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The tree God had clearly told them not to eat from. Immediately they were ashamed and tried to cover themselves and they hid from God.

Genesis 3:8 says, “Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden.” It implies that God did this regularly – where He would come and spend time with and fellowship with His created ones. He calls out to them, asking where Adam is at. He knew both where they were hiding and the reason why. In Genesis 2:17, God had been clear to Adam about the one rule – eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and you will experience death.

Lovingly He disciplines them, and speaks words of hardship, pain, sweat toil and thorns, but not words of death to Adam and Eve. He does speak words of death to the serpent. In Genesis 3:15 (which has become one my many favorite verses in the Bible), He tells the serpent, “I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.” This is the first promise of a Messiah, a Savior, who would come to pay the price for the sins of humanity. Yes, the serpent will strike the heel of the Messiah. A wound to the heel is painful but is not fatal. Satan would think he would win, but the Messiah would crush the serpent’s head, which is indeed a fatal blow.

Afterwards, God clothed Adam and Eve with animal skins (an animal had to die as a sacrifice to provide clothes for them to wear) and God lovingly sent Adam and Eve out from the garden and blocked the way to the tree of life. Not as punishment, but as protection. If they were to eat of the tree of life in their current condition of sin, they would be separated from God forever. If that were the end of the story, that wouldn’t be much of a love story because isn’t a happy ending.

Hallelujah God’s story doesn’t end with Genesis chapter 3. God lovingly sent His Son, Jesus, to be born as a baby, to grow up as a man, to live a normal human life, to be the sacrifice to pay for our sins. He was the only person who could take the place for us. God made him who had no sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God (2 Corinthians 5:21).

Jesus died the death we all deserved. He died and was buried. Once again, that isn’t the end of the story. He didn’t stay dead but rose again. After 40 days Jesus went up to heaven with the promise that He is returning someday for those who have chosen to accept God’s gracious gift of love through His Son Jesus.

God made it possible for those who choose God’s love story, we will have a happy ending. If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved” (Romans 10:9).

Someday, in true love story fashion, Jesus, our Bridegroom, is going to return for His Bride (the Church – those who have received Him as their Savior), Satan will be defeated once and forever, and we will spend eternity with God (See Revelation 19-22). And for those who have received Christ as their Savior we can honestly say, “they lived happily ever after.” No other love story ever compares.

Hold your head up high, knowing you are dearly loved by God who was willing to pay the price for your sin by sending His Only Son to die in your place.

Enjoy Phil Wickman’s song, “How Great is Your Love:”

Flourishing in Our Identity: You are Beautiful!

By Colonel Genevera Vincent

Have you ever met someone, and your first thought was, “wow, she is beautiful!” and then she opened her mouth and suddenly her beauty fades as her words give way to negativity, gossip and foul language. Flourishing in our identity in Christ is having a healthy understanding of beauty. We have all heard it said, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” There’s a tremendous truth in that statement. We can all look at the same thing but have very different ideas and opinions on its beauty status. What I consider beautiful might be simply mundane and boring to another. So, suffice it to say, beauty goes much deeper than a nice hairdo, nice clothes and make-up. While it is okay to ensure that our appearance is appealing…actually, it is strongly encouraged…it is of paramount importance that we tend to the inner beauty of our lives, for that is what makes us truly attractive.

The Bible teaches us that a quiet and gentle spirit is beautiful. What makes us beautiful is what we possess on the inside, strength, dignity and character.

Just this past summer, I participated in a funeral service for my cousin’s wife. She was fifty years old and died very suddenly from a heart attack. We were all shocked and deeply saddened by Lisa’s passing. As we gathered for her service, everyone had the same thing to say about Lisa and it was this: “Lisa was beautiful inside and out.” It truly described who she was. There was no denying physical beauty. Far beyond that, however, was a woman who was kind, compassionate, loving and sincere. She was beautiful, inside and out.

That is what God seeks for his beloved children. The final verses of Proverbs 31 speak of a godly woman. Verses 10-31 speak of a woman of character, a woman of worth, value, goodness, hardworking, compassionate, strength, dignity, wise, blessed. Nowhere in this passage does it speak of physical beauty. Yet, as I read Proverbs 31, I picture a beautiful woman, and she is beautiful indeed. She may have been beautiful to look at, maybe she wasn’t. Her attractiveness was not tied to physical beauty but to her character. After King Lemuel describes the beautiful characteristics of this woman of noble character, he concludes with these verses, “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate (v. 330-31). In the final analysis, our inner beauty will far outlive our physical beauty.

I would propose that for those reading this blog, our desire is to foster in our lives the qualities that make us truly beautiful. The fruit of the Spirit outlined in Galatians 5:22 is what we should be aiming for, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” Paul goes on to say, “Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit“(v. 24-25).

Have you ever reflected on what you want your legacy to be? What do you want your children, family members and your friends to say about you when you are gone? We are not concerned that physical beauty even makes the list. We want to be remembered for our character. We want to be known and remembered as people who loved deeply, who cared, who made a difference for good in this world.

As a woman of God, flourishing in our identity in Him, remember, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! May God always help us cultivate the beautiful character qualities that make it so!

You Are Saved

By Commissioner Colleen Riley

“Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:11.

This time of the year is especially poignant for Christians. It is the beginning of the story as it were. Thousands of years ago, in a small town, in the most unlikely way, the Savior was born, not for His benefit, but for ours.

I imagine that it was both a frightening and amazing night for Mary and Joseph. The birth of your first child is something awe inspiring and a little scary at the same time. Picturing myself in a stable on what I assume to be a very cold night, surrounded by animals, giving birth to not just my son, but the Savior, is something I can’t quite grasp. But Mary did. Mary in those moments, was just looking at the face of her son, her first child, the one she deeply loved. Then the angel of the Lord appeared, the shepherds stopped by and gave honor to this child that they had been told about, but Mary, pondered in her heart all that she had seen and heard. The Savior had been born. The beginning of the story.

This boy would grow up with a carpenter father and a virgin mother to become a sacrifice for each of us. Luke Chapter 2:40 tells us “And the child grew and became strong; He was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon Him.” God sent His one and only Son to live as a man, to understand how you and I live, to have feelings and emotions, to be tempted, heal others, have joy, share sorrow, and to raise people from the dead. And, He was to be a living sacrifice for you and me.

It is not enough to read about Jesus. We must know Him and to accept Him as our personal Savior. John chapter 14, Jesus is speaking to His disciples, even though they were with Him and learned from Him, still did not KNOW Him. In verse 6 He answers them “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”  Jesus was born so be in relationship with you and I and to draw us closer to Himself. We are saved by the beautiful and unending grace of God in our lives when we confess our sins, and turn to Him, he is faithful and forgives us.

We can thrive and flourish in our identity in Christ. You and I, made in the image of Christ, have our identity in Him. As you celebrate the birth of Jesus this Christmas, look further than the stable. Take a deep reflection on this very beginning of the journey to our salvation. Jesus came, he grew in strength and wisdom. Jesus taught and healed and was loved and put to death on a cross for you and for me. There is joy in our celebration not just because of the birth, but where this birth took Jesus, for our sake. It is the greatest gift of all – salvation!                                                                                                                               
I pray that you will accept this gift, if you haven’t already. It will change your life. And if you have a relationship with Him, that this year will be another reminder of His perfect and sacrificial love for you. God bless you!

God Knows Me

By Major Beth Desplancke

Recently, I had the wonderful privilege of attending the USA Central Territory’s Abide Women’s Conference in Green Lake, Wisconsin. It was so exciting to go to a part of the country I had never been to before (first, but hopefully not my last, trip to Wisconsin). I was privileged to be invited to teach a workshop at this event. Although I was excited, I was also anxious. Going somewhere new meant there would be a lot of faces I did not know, and they would not know me.

I am friendly by nature, and have overcome a lot of shyness, but the thought of going to an unknown place, with unknown people, where I sort of knew a few people, was scary. Who would I sit with at meals? (Asking to sit at a table brings back lots of anxiety recalling the traumatic events of my middle school years when people did not want me to sit at their table). Would I spend the entire weekend alone in a sea of 700 women?

I knew that there were four people that I had met before. I worked with one at camp in the summer of 1989, another I met at a conference I attended two years ago, and then two that served on the same national committee as me (one of which invited to me to come participate in this weekend). And for the record, none of these four women would I call close friends, but acquaintances.

One of my assignments for the weekend was to help with the registration of all these women attending this event. I saw lot so faces, and heard lots of names of women I did not know. To my surprise, there were three additional names and faces I did recognize. Women from The Salvation Army USA Western Territory (where I am from) who are now settled in the central part of the US.

The lady next to me at registration, Cindy (a new friend I made over the weekend), would see a familiar face, and say, “I know you” and would find her name on the list. Each time she said that I felt a little lonely. I was startled when a sweet lady who was checking in said to me, “I know you” with a bright, big smile and arms opened wide, ready to hug me. I had no clue who this woman was, and I knew for certain I had never met her. She did not know me.

But I responded to her open arms, and we mutually hugged each other. She asked me how I have been? I responded with “fine.” We had a brief conversation. I have no idea if she ever realized the fact that she didn’t know me. But for that moment, I was reminded of the importance of being known.

The lady who claimed she knew me and hugged me, I never saw again over the weekend. I did get to meet lots of new friends, but to the woman who claimed she knew me, and offered this “lost in the crowd” person a warm greeting and friendly hug, I am eternally grateful.

It feels good to be known, for someone to recognize me, and know my name, and to truly know me. What a comfort it is that God knows me. He knows my name, and everything about me. David writes in Psalm 139:

You have searched me, Lord, and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue you, Lord, know it completely. You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain (v. 1-6).

JJ Heller has a beautiful song, “Fully Known.” The song begins with these words:

Have you ever felt lost
Driving down the same road every day?
And you’re caught in traffic
But everyone feels a thousand miles away
Does anyone see you?
Does anyone care? Does anyone know your name?

And then the chorus proclaims:

You are fully known by the Author of space and time
He won’t let you go
And you cannot change His mind
No, you cannot change His mind.

In a sea of people, God knows you. He knows your name. He knows your thoughts. He knows the way you take. God knows all about you. There is no mistaken identity; you and I can never get lost in the crowd. Celebrate the fact that you are fully known by the Author of space and time.

You are His Precious Child

By Colonel Genevera Vincent

I was very blessed in my life to have two very godly grandmothers who always made me feel special. There was never a doubt in my mind that I was precious to them-that I belonged to them. My paternal grandmother was outgoing and involved in every aspect of our little corps, taking the position of YPSM for many years while my maternal grandmother was a very shy, quiet lady who would never speak in public. While she never learned to read or write, the love of God was evident in the way she lived her quiet life. I saw Jesus in both my grandmothers and felt special to God because of their godly influence in my life.

On April 28, 2023, I became a grandmother…affectionally known as Nana! My prayer for Callum is that he will grow up knowing he is precious, to his family and to God. When we visit, it warms my heart to listen to our son and daughter-in-law read Bible stories to Callum at night before bed. He will know at the very start of his life that he is God’s precious child.

The scriptures give us many wonderful reminders of our worth in Christ. The book of Isaiah is broken into two themes. Part one, which includes chapters 1-39 is known as the book of judgement and part two, which includes chapters 40-66 is known as the book of comfort. Here, in part two, Isaiah prophecies about the exiles being brought home, and restoration of the nation begins. In Isaiah 49, beginning with verse 8, God is promising the restoration of the nation which he loves and cares for even though they are feeling forsaken and forgotten by God. Verse 15 gives us a beautiful picture of God’s love and care for us. It’s impossible to read verse 15 without feeling precious!

“Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands.”

What a reminder of our worth! While we can’t possibly fathom a mother who can so easily forget her baby, this scripture reminds us that it can and does indeed happen. Not so with God! A mother may forget and not show compassion, but God will not forget you. God will not forget me. We have been created in the image of God and we are precious to him…engraved on the palms of his hands.

Psalm 139 is yet another reminder of how precious we are to God. The whole psalm speaks of our being known and loved by God. Verses 17-18 from the Living Bible reads, “How precious it is, Lord, to realize that you are thinking about me constantly! I can’t even count how many times a day your thoughts turn toward me. And when I waken in the morning, you are still thinking of me!”

Have you ever had someone remark to you, “I have been thinking about you a lot lately?” How has that made you feel? I would assume that it made you feel loved, cared for and precious. While on summer vacation this year, I was able to connect with a cousin I have not seen in over thirty years and a school friend I have not seen in over forty years. In our conversation we remarked that reconnecting after all these years was the “icing on the cake” to our vacation. Reminiscing and reflecting on our growing up years, reminded us of how precious our time was together and how precious our friendships were. I left my hometown this summer following vacation, feeling blessed to be able to reconnect after so many years with people who are precious to me.

I recognize that there may be people reading this blog whose upbringing left you feeling unloved and uncared for. Like the nation of Israel while in exile, you may have even felt forgotten by God at times in your life. I want to assure you again that YOU ARE HIS PRECIOUS CHILD! You are loved, you matter, you belong in God’s family. In God’s family there are no favorite children. Someone has aptly said, “There is nothing we can do to make God love us any less and there is nothing we can do to make God love us more.”

Please hear this, GOD LOVES YOU! You are precious to him and there is nothing more beautiful than watching people flourish in their identity in Christ as his precious and dearly loved child.

Speak, For Your Servant is Listening

By Major Beth Desplancke

My son, Ryan, has a husky named Ayla, who spends a lot of her day chilling in the front entryway of our home, looking out the window. This is one of her favorite spots in the house, especially in the mornings. After Ayla has gone outside first thing in the morning, Ayla goes to the front room and lays her head on the window ledge and just relaxes, and she waits. She waits for the time Ryan gets up in the morning and opens his bedroom door.

Ayla is so tuned to her master, that she knows when she hears a door open in the house, whether it is Ryan’s or not. When it is Ryan’s door, her ears perk up, and she immediately goes towards his bedroom door, alert and ready for her master.

Now, I have listened to the various bedroom doors in our house, and they all sound the same to me. I can’t tell which of my three kids is opening the bedroom door, but Ayla can. When another door opens, her ears perk up, but then she relaxes back into her resting position.

Day in and day out as I watched the dog do this, the Lord started stirring my heart. Am I actively listening for God to speak to me, in my life? And when He speaks to my heart, am I quick to respond?

In 1 Samuel 3, we see a great example of one who is listening for the Lord to speak and ready to respond. Samuel is serving in the temple, under the tutelage of Eli. One night, Samuel was lying in his usually place and he heard someone call his name. He got up and immediately went to Eli and said, “Here I am, you called me” (1 Samuel 3:6). Eli said he didn’t call and told Samuel to go back to bed. Two more times this happened. Finally, by the third time, Eli realized what was going on. He told Samuel, “Go and lie down, and if he calls you, say, ‘Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening” (1 Samuel 3:9). Samuel obeyed, went back to bad, and sure enough God called to him again. Samuel heard the voice and this time responded, “Speak, for your servant is listening” (1 Samuel 3:10). Then the Lord told Samuel what He was about to do in Israel, including the fact that Eli and his family would no longer serve as priests to the Lord (3:11-14; see also 1 Samuel 2:27-36).

Now, most of us will never have an encounter where God appears and calls us audibly by name, so how do we go about listening for Him? From Samuel, I learn 4 things I need to do in order to listen for and hear God: Sit in Silence, Stop Talking, Slow Down/Stay Put, Say Yes!

Samuel was in a quiet place. Our world is anything but quiet; we are surrounded by noise. We can’t eliminate all the noise around us, but we can choose to find a quiet place to meet with God each day, in order that we might hear Him. It may mean finding a quiet place in your home (a spare room, a closet, the bathroom, the garage). Or when driving to work, turning off the radio and driving in silence, spending that time with the Lord.

Finding silence also means to stop talking. Samuel only said 6 words: “Speak, for your servant is listening.” He acknowledges that he is ready to listen, and then he listens. It is God who does the speaking. When God is done, there is no record of Samuel speaking back to the Lord. God wants to talk to us, but we have to be willing to stop talking and allow Him to speak.

After we stop talking, we need to slow down and wait for God to respond. Samuel said he was listening to God, and then made himself available, and he allowed God to speak. Often when I pray, doing all the talking, say amen and move on, not allowing God a chance to respond. The same goes with my time reading His Word. Sometimes I speedily read through it, just to say I did it for the day, but I fail to linger, to contemplate, to think about what I read. The Bible is God’s Word; He speaks to us through it, but we have to slow down in order to hear Him. Margaret Feinberg wrote, “Listening forces me to learn patience. Nowhere in the Bible does God commit to running on our schedule or fitting into our time frame, though I wish it were that easy.” I must stay put, and wait, expectantly for Him to speak.

When the Lord speaks, I can’t pretend I didn’t hear Him (especially if I don’t like what He is saying to me). I need to respond by saying “yes” to Him. Samuel listened to what God had said to him, and in the morning when Eli asked about what happened Samuel told him everything, hiding nothing from him (1 Samuel 3:18). God had given Samuel a message, and Samuel said yes to God and obeyed.

Lord, may I tune out the noise of the world and lean in and listen to what you have to say to me today! May I be like Samuel, Speak, for your servant is listening.

Meditation and Memorization of Scripture

By Colonel Genevera Vincent

I remember with great fondness my Sunday School days as a child. I can still visualize many of the lesson pictures from the Scripture Press material. I remember many of the responsive scripture readings and, of course, the flannel graph stories. I know I’m dating myself, but I have a feeling there are those reading this right now who share some of these fond memories from your Sunday School days!

Back then, studying God’s word and memorization of scripture was a big deal. One of the first…if not the first verse I memorized as a child (from the King James Version of course) was Psalm 119:11, “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against Thee.”

I am grateful to say that I have been hiding God’s word in my heart ever since then, and his word, his promises never get old. It’s amazing how a reflection on God’s word can ground you during a difficult situation with verses coming to mind that set you on a right path. This has been proven many times in my life. When I’m afraid or anxious, often a verse will come to mind that reminds me of the goodness and faithfulness of God and the anxious feelings subside and the fear diminishes.

In this age of Google and Siri, when we can call something up in an instant, this idea of scripture memorization can be a dying art. People may question, “When I have so much information at my beck and call, why tire the brain with memorization?” I would propose that this is very flawed thinking. Hiding God’s word in our hearts means that we have committed to memory those verses and passages that buoy us up when life gets tough…and even when life is good! Remember, you can’t recall what you have not previously learned. It’s important to know God’s word and be able to recall and recite verses that bring encouragement to yourself and others, as well as stabilize us all during difficult times.

My maternal grandfather suffered a debilitating stroke when he was 68 years old. Sadly, it left him paralyzed and unable to walk or talk. He lived for 10 years following his stroke and most of that time he was bedridden. What amazed so many is that, while he was unable to speak, he was still able to sing! He had a beautiful, strong, singing voice and while lying in bed, unable to walk or talk, he blessed many while he sang hymns and gospel songs that he had committed to memory prior to his stroke. He was unable to learn anything new but the songs he had previously learned brought comfort and inspiration to him and to many others.

Meditating on God’s word and memorization of scripture is encouraged all throughout the Bible. In Deuteronomy 11:18-21, the people of Israel were instructed to have God’s word in their heart and mind. This truly speaks to meditating and memorizing. Jeremiah speaks of God’s words as becoming a part of him when he wrote in Jeremiah 15:16, “When your words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart’s delight.” In the New Testament, this appreciation for God’s word continues. Colossians 3:16 is a verse I especially love. It states, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly…” Towards the end of the Bible in Hebrews 4:12, we are reminded, “For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”

In this age, when so much is “up for grabs”, we need more than ever to know God’s word, to meditate on it, and to memorize those precious promises that will see us through the highs and lows of life.
My meditation on God’s word has become richer since I became an empty nester. Sure, I read the Bible when my kids were still at home, but sometimes that time was interrupted with the duties of being a mother and taxiing my children from one place to another. Since becoming an empty nester, my time in the God’s word is usually uninterrupted and I am often amazed at the nuggets I find in scripture that somehow jump off the page to me. I wonder, “how did I not see this before?!?!” God’s word is certainly living and active!

I often think of my grandfather and what a rich treasure he had during the most difficult time of his life. Because he had committed songs to memory about God’s goodness and faithfulness, they carried him through when he couldn’t put them into a spoken word. I have often thought what a tragedy it would have been if he didn’t have a song in his heart and in his mind for when he needed it most.
How important it is for us as we seek to flourish in the spiritual disciplines, to meditate on God’s word and to hide his Word deep in our hearts. James 1:25 is a great reminder of this value, “But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard but doing it – he will be blessed in what he does.”

Get into the word today, memorize it, and be blessed by the fruit it bears in your life!

The Need to Forgive

By Major Beth Desplancke

She hurt me deeply. Her words to me were mean, and untruthful. She attacked my character and my capability. She came across as being perfect, without any faults, and I had no redeeming qualities whatsoever. I tried to defend myself, to correct her perspective of me, but she would not listen. No matter what I did, she would not change her view of me.

She shared her opinions about me as facts to other people. She came across as being perfect, without any faults, and I had no redeeming qualities whatsoever. They listened and believed her version of reality.
I was mad. I deserved and desired an apology. Just seeing her made me angrier; instantly my jaw would become clenched, my shoulders would tighten, and my hands would ball into a fist. Simply hearing her voice would cause the feelings to bubble inside of me.

She had moved on. She hurt me and didn’t care. I told myself that I was over it but knew better. I was still upset. She continued to fill my thoughts, and conversations. The whole situation took up way too much of my time. I am not proud of my behavior, but I was like a dog with a bone – I wasn’t going to let it go.

Then one day in Sunday School class, the infamous verse came up in the discussion. As soon as I heard the reference, I knew what the verse said, and I did not like it. In His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus says these words about loving your enemies, “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and unrighteous.” (Matthew 5:43-44).

I squirmed in my seat. She wasn’t my enemy. Well, she wasn’t my enemy before the incident. Now, after what she had done, I didn’t want to be around her. Yes, in my mind, she had become the enemy. Of course I will pray for her, I thought to myself. I will pray that she comes to her senses and realizes what she had done was wrong, and she will apologize. Or better yet, she will be treated as I was treated and experience the same kind of hurt and pain. Deep down, I knew that this wasn’t what God was intending with this verse.

As If I weren’t uncomfortable enough, we then turned to the passage later in the book of Matthew, when Peter asks Jesus a question about forgiveness. Matthew 18:21-22 says, Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?” Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.”

Peter was looking for an easy answer – a limit to how many times he had to forgive someone who wronged him. Jesus’ answer wasn’t a mathematical solution. Some translations say it “seventy times seven” times (490). What Jesus is saying is that forgiveness is not to be calculated. It is unlimited. We are to continue to forgive people, no matter how many times they have hurt us.

God was really trying to get my attention that Sunday morning. I knew I needed to forgive her. I wasn’t hurting her; I was only hurting myself. She had moved on; I hadn’t. My stewing over it was doing nothing to her; she probably had no idea that it was still festering inside of me.

Diane Marr, in her book, The Reluctant Traveler, says this about unforgiveness: “Unforgiveness can be likened to a parasite it feeds on the anger and hurt of its host, finding its most satisfying nourishment in human pain. It thrives on the cycle of replayed scenes, recalled anguish, and rehashed justification for holding fast to grudges. Essentially, unforgiveness grows plump on our desire for revenge.” The picture of a parasite growing inside of me is enough to gross me out and want to forgive.

The Bible is very clear. Forgiving others is a command; it is not optional! I may not feel like forgiving her for what she had done, but God expected me to do it. Another verse that came up during that Sunday school class, one that I had memorized as a small child, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you” (Ephesians 4:32). Ok, God, I get the hint.

I spent a lot of time in prayer, asking God to forgive me for my attitude towards her. I asked God to work in my heart and to also work in hers. Every time those feelings of unforgiveness and anger started to boil up, I immediately asked God to help me to forgive her.

There have been a lot of “hers” in my life. The stories and situations are different, but my lack of unforgiveness is a common reoccurrence in my life. I know my experience isn’t unique. We all have times when we need to ask forgiveness of others as well as when we need to do the forgiving.

Forgiveness does not come easily or naturally. We cannot forgive in our own strength. We must rely on His Spirit, and His power to forgive others. Instead of being a bulldog chewing on a bone or allowing unforgiveness to grow in our hearts like a parasite, we need to remember that Christ forgave us of our sin, and we should forgive others. As the Lord’s prayer says, forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors (Matthew 6:12).