Healthy Work/Life Balance for Soul Care
As women of The Salvation Army, it is vital that we take the opportunity to assess our own emotional, physical, and spiritual health on a regular basis. Flourishing in life starts with caring for ourselves well so that we can care for others well. It is vital to assess where we are in these areas and make a reasonable plan for how to be a loving, wise, and mindful steward of ourselves and others.
Healthy Work/Life Balance:
- Be honest with where you think you’re at emotionally, spiritually & physically. Are there any of these areas in need of nurturing, rethinking, and refreshing?
- Do you have a healthy work & life balance? If not, how can you adjust your daily life to be more balanced?
- Does your time with God feel balanced and spiritually filling for you?
- Can you set (and keep) boundaries that are healthy and reasonable?
- Do you have time for rest and renewal?
In what ways do you take time to refresh and restore your soul on a regular basis? Is this enough or do you need to add something else that’s life giving?
- Daily time with God that isn’t rushed and feels like a relationship, not a daily duty
- Spiritual retreats (one day or weekends)
- Sharing a meal with family & friends
- Time to journal your thoughts & feeling
- Walks, hiking, the beach or being out in nature
- Play music & dancing, worship
- Prayer walks just with you and God
- Exercising in ways that you enjoy
- Down time with your spouse or close friend
Do you have a mentor or close friend to support you when:
- Heavy emotions are weighing you down
- Life throws you a curve ball and stress is running high
- You’re losing your joy for life and ministry
- You need accountability to maintain a balanced life
Restorative Resources:
- Personal Devotions podcasts, books & apps
- Day, weekend or week-long retreats
- Boundaries books by Cloud & Townsend
- Arrow Leadership resources
- Prayer Walks
- Healthy Living websites