January 2025 Craft: Created In His Image Mirror

By Major Peggy Helms, Riverside, CA Corps
& Major Angela Strickland, Divisional Women’s Ministries Secretary – Golden State Division

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:13-14 (NIV)

Don’t be swayed by the thoughts and comments of others. Understand who’s you are and how much God loves you – so you can understand and love yourself. God wants you to give Him the places in your heart that you won’t let others see. When you look into the mirror, allow the reflection coming back to be whom God sees – as you are “fearfully and wonderfully made” – Psalms 139:14.


  1. Small mirror (handheld or stand type)
  2. Butterfly or flower stickers (3D style)
  3. Colored chalk markers (reversible tip)
  4. Clean cloth and water or glass cleaner

⦁ Choose mirror style, handheld or stand type (Dollar/discount shops have them)
⦁ Wipe mirror so that it is free of dirt and smudges
⦁ Write “You Are Beautiful” on the mirror (you can print vinyl stickers with Cricut)
⦁ Decorate the mirror with your stick-on butterflies and/or flowers. You can also use a hot glue gun for items that are not stick-on.

Additional Scripture:
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:7

Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. On account of these the wrath of God is coming. In these you too once walked, when you were living in them. But now you must put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your mouth. Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have put off the old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator. Colossians 3:5-10

Download a printable version of this craft:

Enjoy this song, “Mirror” by BarlowGirl to remind you that the mirror does not define you.

January 2025 Newsletter

You are Priceless! You are Beautiful! That is the theme of this month’s newsletter.

You are altogether beautiful, my darling; there is no flaw in you. Song of Songs 4:7

Included in this month’s newsletter is a devotion, prayer idea, conversation starters, and a Bible reading plan that emphasizes what the Lord wants His daughters to “wear,” to look and act like Christ. Also included are “Identity Statements,” verses that proclaim who you are in Christ for you to memorize, meditate on and claim in your life.

Download this month’s newsletter:

Listen to this song by Megan Woods, and be reminded of “The Truth.”

February 2025 Craft: You Are Loved Heart Craft

By Captain Serina Woods
Haines, AK Corps – Alaska Division

Supplies Needed:

  • Cardboard for each person 8 x 11 (recycled cardboard)
  • Puzzle Pieces (500 is what I used)
  • 1 Big heart and 1 small heart (patterns included in the downloadable instructions)
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • X-Acto Knife
  • Red Spray Paint – fast drying
  • Cutting board or large cardboard piece
  • Cardstock for banner


Before craft preparation

Step 1: Print out hearts – one large and one small for each person (Pattern included in the downloadable instructions below).

Step 2: Print Banners using cardstock (I used Baguet Script – 48)

Working on craft

Step 3: Glue big hear to cardboard, cut out big heart around out edge.

Step 4: Cut out small heart and glut to big heart, center it. Then using X-Acto knife to cut out small heart. This will create a frame heart.

Step 5: Glue puzzle pieces to frame heart making sure some pieces are a little off the frame on both the outer frame and inside frame as as close to each other as possible.

Step 6: Place more puzzle pieces on top of the first layer to make it a double layer. Put glue directly on to puzzle pieces. Let glue dry for 10 minutes.

Step 7: Take fast drying spray paint outside in a shallow cardboard box. Spray heart piece two times. Allow time for first layer to dry. (Optional spray some pieces a different color for a top color).

Step 8: Turn over to glue banner on to back of frame

Download printable directions and templates:

As you craft enjoy this song by Riley Clemmons, Loved By You:

December 2024 Newsletter

You are Priceless! You are Saved! That is the theme of this month’s newsletter.

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23

Included in this month’s newsletter is a devotion, prayer idea, conversation starters, and a Bible reading plan that traces the salvation story through the lives of women. Also included are “Identity Statements,” verses that proclaim who you are in Christ for you to memorize, meditate on and claim in your life.

Download this month’s newsletter:

During this holiday season, spend some time meditating on this beautiful Christmas song, and think about how God chose to save the world.

Be sure to check out our Spotify Playlist to hear more great songs that speak of our identity in Christ. WM 2024-2025 Priceless

December 2024 Craft: Lighted Garland

By Major Jessyca Carr
Education Officer
College for Officer Training

There are so many different combinations of fabric or ribbon and lights; you can check out YouTube for other options. Using fabric is the MOST economical way to do this craft, but it may take more time. I had several rolls of Costco ribbon, so I used what I had. Last year I used a combination of fabric and ribbon. That was pretty too. NOTE: If you plan to do this with your ladies, I suggest precutting the ribbon/fabric. I had our ladies bring me their selections two weeks before the meeting. I cut all the ribbon/fabric and placed them in baggies for each lady. During our meeting, we began our garland and got 1/3 done. (We chatted a lot!) What was not finished during the meeting they were able to complete at home. Below are instructions to make a 100 Light Ribbon Garland. You can follow these instructions for the fabric style, just the sizes used will be different. See fabric notes at the end.

⦁ Christmas lights – 100 lights
⦁ 12 -15 small zip ties (You can use yarn)
⦁ At least 400 8”-10” strips of ribbon – This will vary depending on the size of the ribbon or fabric.

⦁ Pictured: 7 ribbons used – 5 were 2.5’ and 2 were 1”. If you use a smaller ribbon, you will need more strips.
⦁ If you use a set of 50 lights you will need fewer ribbons/fabric.
See below for Fabric details.

⦁ Cut the ribbon – I removed the wire from my ribbon that was wired.
⦁ Place the ribbons in a pattern you like best.


  1. Fold the strand of lights in half.
  2. Using zip ties or yarn connect the two sides of the lights together.
  3. Cut off the excess zip tie or yarn.
  4. Begin to tie the ribbons around the two strands of lights – only one knot.
  5. Keep the pattern going until you reach the end.

Fabric notes:
⦁ ¾ of a yard of at least 3 coordinating fabrics.
⦁ Use pinking shears or a rotary cutter to cut fabric 1” strips.
⦁ In the picture I didn’t use traditional Christmas lights. These are battery-operated.

Download the printable version of this craft:

Here is a coordinating devotional, way you can pray for people as you make this craft.

As we prepare for the holiday season, consider adding a homemade decoration that also helps you focus on the Reason for the Season! Do you ever think to yourself, “Man, I have a lot of people to pray for lately”? Do you need a reminder to pray for those people you said you would lift up in prayer but actually forget to pray for? Or perhaps you want to spend some significant amount of time in prayer but are easily distracted. This craft may just help you. Using fabric and or ribbon, tie a knot around Christmas lights for a beautiful fabric garland.

Prayer Focus Options:

As you tie knots you can:

  • Designate each color for a different prayer focus.
  • Designate each set of knots to a prayer focus.
  • Designate each light to a different prayer focus.
  • As you tie the knots pray for the person you plan to give the garland to as a gift.

Color Example:

Red – Pray for the Salvation of those who don’t know Jesus.

Green – Pray for the spiritual growth of those who do know Him.

Gold – Pray for the corps.

White – Holiness within yourself, Your walk with God.

Patterned – Pray for your community.

Each time you look at the garland throughout the season, you will be reminded to say a quick prayer for those who you covered in prayer as you made the garland.

Enjoy the song “God Came to Save Us” as you make this beautiful craft.

December 2024 Bonus Craft: Thank You Cards

By Margaret Grieco
Territorial Women’s Ministries Department

Philemon 1:4-5 – “I always thank my God as I remember you in my prayers, because I hear about your love for all his holy people and your faith in the Lord Jesus.”

The celebration of our Savior’s birth always brings along with the season a beautiful sharing of gifts with those we love and cherish. As a special “thank you” to our family and friends, why not create a card for them that’s personal and very unique!

Plastic gems (I use 1-inch in size, but you can go smaller too)
Cardstock (8.5 x 11 – in any color)
Glue Dots (or Tacky Glue)
Gel Pen (or calligraphy pen)
Envelopes (4 x 6 – thicker paper would be better for mailing)
Paper Cutter
Ruler (optional)

Step 1:
Turn your cardstock to landscape and use a paper cutter to cut each sheet down the middle.

Step 2:
Turn your half sheets longwise and fold them in half (the fold should be a top).

Step 3:
Using a ruler, mark the center of the top of the card and line up your gems as you would like them to look on the card. Using Glue Dots, place a Dot on the back of each gem and secure it to your card, placing the gem where you lined it up originally.

Step 4:
Starting at the top of the card, draw a line (straight or curvy) from the top to the card to the gem and add a little bow anywhere on the line.

Step 5:
You can write “Thank You!” or “Thank You So Much!” at the bottom of the card, write a simple note on the inside and place it in your envelope for mailing to your intended recipient.

Each card will be unique and a fun surprise for those who didn’t expect a fabulous “Thank You” card!

Download printable instructions of this craft:

As you write out your thank you cards for all the wonderful gifts that you receive during this Christmas season, spend some time thanking God for His salvation.

Devotionals: Reflections on Justice

We are excited to announce a brand-new series of daily devotionals produced by the IHQ Women’s Ministries Department, “Reflections on Justice.”

The series contains 31 devotionals, written by women of different ages and stages of life from across the international Army, making it perfect as a daily reading for an individual or a group. Each daily reading contains Scripture, a devotional reflection, a prayer and a challenge to bring goodness, justice and light into the dark places in this world.

As well as being available to download and print for individual use, “Reflections on Justice” will be available as a reading plan on the Bible App by YouVersion. We are inviting you to read the devotional series with us as part of a global reading event, starting on 1st November and ending on 1st December.

Find everything you need to know here: https://salvationarmy.org/ihq/reflections-on-justice

November 2024 Newsletter

You are Priceless! You are Fully Known by God! That is the theme of this month’s newsletter.

O Eternal One, You have explored my heart and know exactly who I am; You even know the small details like when I take a seat and when I stand up again. Even when I am far away, You know what I’m thinking. Psalm 139:1-2 (VOICE)

Included in this month’s newsletter is a devotion, prayer idea, conversation starters, and Bible reading plan to help you focus on your identity as being fully known by God. As included are “Identity Statements,” verses that proclaim who you are in Christ for you to memorize, meditate on and claim in your life.

Download this month’s newsletter:

Be sure to check out our Spotify Playlist of songs that speak of who you are in Christ: WM 2024-2025 Priceless

November 2024 Craft: Fingerprint Tree

By Major Gaylene Yardley
Divisional Women’s Ministries Secretary – Southwest Division

This craft is a tree with all the lady’s fingerprints as leaves in fall colors. You can make one print together and display it in your meeting room, or provide enough canvas so each lady can have their own tree to take home.

Put the Scripture Verse on it: “How precious to me are your thoughts O God. How vast the sum of them!” Psalm 139:17

You can put each woman’s name by their fingerprints and then put the scripture at the bottom. Perhaps you want to put the words “He Knows My Name” on the bottom.

Supplies needed

Finished project

Enjoy yourself and be thankful that God knows you fully and you are not one the same.

As you craft, perhaps play the song “He Knows My Name” by Francesca Battistelli

Download the printable version of this month’s Devotional, Craft & Bible Study:

Battle Cry!

Commissioner Bronwyn Buckingham, World President of Women’s Ministries shares this letter:

As followers of Jesus, we are called to be salt and light in our communities, bringing hope, healing and transformation wherever we go. Battle Cry is a movement that seeks to empower and mobilize women to engage in local acts of social justice; it is our response to the call of Isaiah 1:17: ‘Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed.’

The Salvation Army has always been home to women involved in social justice and action that positively impacts the world. I think of my friend in New Zealand who, having recently retired from a long nursing career, is seeking a space to continue her ministry of care among those in need of judgement-free guidance and medical attention. I consider the 19-year-old who combats period poverty among peers through fundraising events that partner local stores with community centers. Her thoughtful intervention has helped many female students.

These examples remind us what is possible when women use their gifts and skills for the greater good. This is nothing new for Salvation Army women, but we have a responsibility to intentionally nurture, tend and guide this organic, missional work for all generations. This is where Battle Cry comes in!

To engage in Battle Cry is to identify a social need – no matter how big or small – and to feel released to respond to it. It is an invitation to rally your team of friends, colleagues, mums, daughters and granddaughters together, and consider how to serve as a uniquely placed and gifted group of women. Work to your strengths – if you can sew, then sew; if you can teach, then teach; if you can cook, then cook; if you can network, then network. Use your skills to connect with people beyond your usual corners. Step outside your church building and do something beautiful for others, in the name of Jesus!

Globally, The Salvation Army recognizes the role of women in addressing social justice issues. Our desire is that, through these first Battle Cry resources, we will see more women stepping confidently into their calling as agents of social justice. A devotional plan will be released over the coming months and, later in 2025, online courses will educate and equip those who are interested in exploring informed justice response.

Though we may doubt that our offering will make much difference and it might seem easier to leave things to the professionals, we must remember that, as is the way of the Kingdom, we each have a part to play. Start simple. Start small. Start with what you know. There will always be a place for high-level, trained and coordinated responses, but your contribution to creating a better world is also needed. We are stronger together.

My prayer for you is this: ‘May God bless you with discontent with easy answers, half-truths, superficial relationships so that you will live from deep within your heart. May God bless you with anger at injustice, oppression, abuse, and exploitation of people, so that you may work for justice, equality, and peace … May God bless you with the foolishness to think you can make a difference in the world, so that you will do the things which others tell you cannot be done’ (Sister Ruth Fox, 1985).

I invite you to join us in this important work. Together, may we be bold in speaking out with wisdom and grace, and may we be courageous in our pursuit of justice.

Grace and peace to you,

Bronwyn Buckingham

World President of Women’s Ministries

International Headquarters has re-launched the Battle Cry resources from the International Women’s Ministries Department.

On their website – https://salvationarmy.org/ihq/battlecry-resources you will find resources such as a variety of Battle Cry posters and an information brochure that can be downloaded and used at all levels of our global movement. This site will be continually refreshed with resources, stories, and translated materials.

International Headquarters hopes that this information will be used to stir the hearts of our women and girls to step out and engage with our communities to positively impact the world.

We need to be bold in our response to the needs in our communities. Florence Booth was when she began the ministry to women many years ago. We too are called as Salvationists to do something. This is our chance! Let’s rise to the challenge and help to sound the Battle Cry for all women and girls.

For more information check out IHQ’s website: https://salvationarmy.org/ihq/battlecry-resources