By Major Cheryl Kistan Divisional Director of Women’s Ministries – Intermountain Division
Read Ephesians 2:1-10 1. Have you ever thought of yourself as a masterpiece?
Ephesians 2:10 tells us that we are a masterpiece!
2. In verse 4 read, “But God,” what do you think that means?
“But” is one of the most important words in the Bible. Paul is using the word here to contrast our former dead way of life (trapped in sin) with our new life in Christ. God is merciful and did not want to leave us in a life that will lead to death, so he sent his Son Jesus to save us. By grace Jesus saved us and gave us the ability to say no to sin and live a life that is righteous.
3. What is one area of your life that God has helped you to change since you accepted Him as Lord of your life? Allow for personal sharing
4. What is God’s motivation for saving us?
God saved us because He loves us. Love is His character and His nature – He loves us and wants us to be part of His family.
5. what does it mean to be saved by grace?
Grace means that God gives us something which we do not deserve – salvation. It cannot be earned and it cannot be paid back. Our sins mean wee deserve judgement, but God gave us something much better – eternal life! It is a gift from God.
6. What does it mean to be “made alive?”
Before we accepted Jesus, we were on a road that leads to death but because of God’s gift in Jesus, we have eternal life. We are headed home to heaven and so we are truly alive.
7. If good deeds cannot save us because salvation is a gift from God, why should we do them?
God created us with unique gifts and talents, and he wants us to use them build his kingdom. These gifts we have show who God is and when we use them for Him, they point to Him.
8. What does it mean to be God’s masterpiece?
So often people talk about making themselves better by working hard and improving themselves. Without God, this will not make us more spiritual, in fact it can make things worse. The love of God not only saves us but also changes us.
God saves us not only from his judgement that we deserve but also to make something beautiful of us. We are his workmanship a masterpiece. We are God’s “work of art.”
9. Reflect on Psalm 139:7-18. What is one thing that God is saying to you as you read it and think about being His masterpiece? Allow for personal sharing.
By Major Jennifer Erickson-King Anchorage Citadel, AK – Alaska Division
Supplies Needed:
Bible (Any Translation)
Journal / Piece of Paper
Pen / Pencil with Eraser
Scripture Verses:
“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful; I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.” Psalm 139:14-16
Take a moment and look at yourself in the mirror and who do you see? What do you see?
Do you see yourself in the mirror as God sees you?
God sees you as His beautiful and loving daughter, created in His perfect image. You are beautiful. You are amazing. You are fearfully and wonderfully made by His own mighty hands. There’s no one like you on this earth. You are special. You are unique. You are truly loved
In your journal or on a piece of paper, write down all the beautiful and wonderful characteristics, qualities, and talents that God gave you and only you. And also write down your thoughts when you know that God truly loves you. That you are truly loved by our Creator. When we think about all the beautiful and wonderful characteristics, qualities, and talents that God gave us, I believe that we will be truly amazed by His creation, in us. As we all know, our fingerprints are unique to us as individuals.
In fact, the National Forensic Science Technology Center states that, “no two people have ever been found to have the same fingerprints — including identical twins.” Also, it’s important to keep in mind that fingerprints also vary between your own fingers — this means you have a unique print on each finger. But, more importantly, we were created by God, in His perfect image. We are His daughters. We are His children. We are His.
Isn’t this amazing? I really think so. How we were created in special ways that no one else is created like us. Even the details of our hair on our head is that He is the only one that knows how many strands of hair are on our head. Isn’t that also amazing? In Luke 12:7, it says, “Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.” You are loved.
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16
Unlike our love, God’s love is free. What this really means is that there were no conditions God saw in us when He set His love upon us. God didn’t love us because we were lovely—that wouldn’t be free love. God loves us because He loves us (John 3:16). Nothing constrains his love. Nothing will ever change that. Because we are His lovely daughters created in unique ways. More than anything, the Bible tells us that “God is love” (1 John 4:8). He isn’t just loving, but He is the very definition of love, true love. He loves us because He created us. His affection is unconditional. He both generates and demonstrates love — and that love endures forever. (Psalm 100:5)
Each day is a beautiful gift from God. I am reminded how blessed we are and to take every opportunity to minister to each other in ways that He shows us, to be open to leading of His Holy Spirit in us and through us. I am also reminded to live my life fullest for God and God only; to spend every moment worshipping, glorifying, praising, and honoring Him in every aspect of my life. To spend quiet times with Him, to read His amazing, beautiful, and living words, to never stop praying for everyone and everything, to make joyful noise unto Him, and to always give thanks for all His blessings in our beautiful lives.
You might wonder if God really and truly loves you? You might also ask yourself, why me? Why does God love me? With all my past mistakes, with all my wrongdoing, and with all my faults? I’m not good enough. I’m not worthy. I’m a sinner. We may have many reasons to wonder and question. But the answer is YES! YES, God loves you for who you are. Because you are His. And He doesn’t want us to stay where we are. In Matthew 6:33, it says; “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” He wants us to draw closer to Him, to deepen our relationship with Him, to be thirsty and hungry for His word, and to be more Christlike each day.
“To love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” This is the greatest and first commandment. And the second commandment is “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” which is found in Matthew 22:27-29. When we truly realize God’s love for us and how much He desires us to deepen our relationship with Him. We will feel and we will know His amazing and unconditional love for us. We know the true meaning of love, loving Him, loving others, and knowing that we are loved by Him.
Next time that you look in the mirror, know that you are His beautiful and loved creation. You are enough. You are amazing. You are a gift from God. You are beautiful especially in His sight. You are God’s original work of art. You are beautifully created. You are His. YOU ARE LOVED!!
GOD IS ALWAYS: Best Everlasting Amazing Unconditional Trustworthy Inspirational Faithful Unwavering Loving
Scripture Verses and Quotes on “Love / Loved” “If God planned you for me and me for you, then nothing can separate you from me and me from you.” (Mark 10:9)
“Let all that you do be done in love.” (1 Corinthians 16:14
“Live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” (Ephesians 5:2)
“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.” (1 Peter 4:8)
“Life without love is like a tree without blossoms or fruit.” (Khalil Gibran) “Life is the flower for which love is the honey.” (Victor Hugo) “Intense love does not measure, it just gives.” (Mother Teresa) “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” (Lao Tzu) “The best use of life is love. The best expression of love is time. And the best time to love is now.” (Rick Warren)
By Captain Raghel Santiago Kauluwela Mission, HI Corps – Hawaiian and Pacific Islands Division
Scriptures: Ephesians 1:7-8, Psalm 103:8-12
In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that he lavished on us. Ephesians 1:7-8
Question: What does it mean to you to be redeemed?
According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, the word redeemed/redemption means to buy back; repurchase or win back. Another definition from Merriam Webster Dictionary says, “To be free from what distresses or harms, such as to free from captivity by payment of ransom.”
Today’s Bible study emphasis is on the word redeemed. As a believer in Christ, we need to embrace what it means to be redeemed by Jesus, our Lord and Savior.
Question: Do you remember what life was like before you put your faith in Jesus and received forgiveness from your sins?
Maybe your life was full of chaos before knowing Jesus. Maybe you felt a void in your life. Whatever your experience, may you rejoice in the knowledge of who Jesus is, and grasp the knowledge of God’s love for you. Here are two Bible verses that remind us of just how much God loves us:
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. John 3:16-17 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8
Please read Ephesians 1:7-8 again.
Focus on the two words, redemption, and forgiveness mentioned in verse 7. These two words go together like a hand and a glove. Through Jesus’s blood shed for us, our sins are forgiven.
Question: Have you ever experienced being upset and hurt by somebody who has wronged you? What did you feel towards that person after they wronged you? Has that person asked for your forgiveness? If so, was it hard to forgive that person?
Forgiving someone who has hurt us, especially if that person is a family member, a friend, co-worker, or a church member can be difficult, because it is a person that was close to us. However, the Bible teaches us that if we are to follow Jesus, we need to live our lives like Him, and that includes forgiving those who wrong us. Here are some Bible verses that teach us about forgiveness:
Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Ephesians 4:31-32 Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. Colossians 3:13
These Bible verses have the same message: forgive just as the Lord forgave us. These Bible verses also apply when we need to seek forgiveness from someone we have hurt or wronged. When we repent of our sins and ask Jesus to be our savior from our sins, we can embrace being redeemed, because not only are we then freed from the bondage of our sins, but we are reminded how our redemption came at a costly price, which is our Lord’s blood that shed for us at Calvary.
Question: What do the words “in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that he lavished on us” mean to you?
When I think of the word lavished, I think of surplus. God is full of grace, and he gives it to us in abundance. When it comes to forgiving us, His grace is not skimpy. God is faithful to hear us when we confess our sins to him, and he is gracious enough to forget our transgression when we seek Him and repent with a whole heart.
When we are forgiven, we are redeemed, and God wants us to experience redemption, which is freedom of burden too. How? By freeing yourself from the burden of holding grudges, the weight of bitterness, and healing from the scars others may have caused. Christ has redeemed you from your sins, and now it is time for you to embrace redemption by forgiving others. To achieve this, we need to be more like the Lord.
To be more like the Lord, let us read Psalm 103: 8-12.
“The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love. He will not always accuse, nor will he harbor his anger forever.” Psalm 103:8-9
To be more like Jesus, we need to be compassionate, gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love, not always accuse, and harbor anger. If this is how we want the Lord to respond to us, we need to do this to others, especially those who upset us and seek our forgiveness.
He does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. Psalm 103:10
This Bible verse is the perfect example of what God’s grace looks like. He loves us so much that He sent Jesus to offer His life as a living sacrifice for us and take our sins away.
We are learning that God loves us and will forgive us no matter what the measure of our sin may be. If we confess our sins wholeheartedly and fully repent to God, He is faithful to forgive us.
Question: What does the world teach us about sin?
We see this being displayed on television, in movies, and on social media. If somebody does something wrong to you, taking revenge or getting even is how the world teaches us to react. This will not allow us to experience redemption, because revenge and anger will not free us, but keep us in captivity. Only when we can forgive the person who wronged us can we experience real freedom.
Question: What should we do after we have forgiven someone?
When we confess our sins and wholeheartedly repent to God, He will forgive us, which redeems us from the bondage of our sins. The next step is to live in His redemption. The way to do that is by trusting God’s love and believing that God has truly forgiven us and will not remind us of our past mistakes.
For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him. Psalm 103:11
The depth of God’s love for us is as high as the heavens!
Question: What does verse 11 mean when it says, “for those who fear him”?
The fear of the Lord means that we love him deeply, and because we love him deeply, we will honor him, trust him, obey him, and respect him.
As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us. Psalm 103:12
When we ask God to forgive us, he will remove our sins and will forgive us. He will not remind us of that sin anymore, because God does not want us to move and live backwards, but he prefers for us to move and live forward. This is when we can say, “I am redeemed and forgiven by the grace and love of Jesus.” In this same manner, we must do the same for those who seek forgiveness from us. When you forgive someone, do not remind that person of their past mistake. By doing this, you will fully understand and experience redemption.
By Major Angela Strickland Divisional Women’s Ministries Secretary – Golden State Division
“Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.” Proverbs 31:30
Explore how we see ourselves vs how God sees us, through the lens Scripture.
Physical looks are what people typically think of when considering what beauty is. There was a recent news story about the perfect face having a certain symmetry…eyes, nose and mouth spaced just right. They even suggested specific actresses that fit the bill for that perfect look. I giggled out loud after having just read several biblical affirmations regarding the kind of beauty we should actually strive for.
Webster’s Dictionary defines beauty as “a combination of qualities such as shape, color, or form that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight; a beautiful woman.“
How do you define beauty?
What does the Bible tell us about beauty?
You will find answers in both the Old and New Testaments
Read 1 Samuel 16:7 (Outward appearance vs the heart)
Read 2 Corinthians 3:18 (Transformed into His image)
What does the Lord look at?
(Read the Message version of 2 Corinthians 3:18 for a slightly different perspective)
There were several women that were called beautiful in the Bible – Job’s daughters, Rebekah, Bathsheba, Sarai, Esther, and more. However, we are reminded that the virtuous woman of noble character surpasses all.
Based upon what his mother taught him, King Lemuel in the book of Proverbs gives a clear description of a beautiful woman. He writes about a wife of noble character who is more valuable than rubies.
Read {Proverbs 31:30 (A woman who fears the Lord
Name 5 characteristics of a Proverbs 31 woman.
Some of the descriptors are still quite valid for us today.
Read 1 Peter 3:3-4 (NIV) (Beauty of great worth)
The Message version talks about our inner disposition and cultivating our inner beauty – “the gentle, gracious kind that God delights in.”
Inner beauty is reinforced in 2 Corinthians as we learn that outwardly we waste away, but inwardly we are renewed daily.
Read 2 Corinthians 4:16 (Inwardly renewed daily)
How can we cultivate inner beauty?
Practice compassion for yourself and others
Be authentic
Develop positive relationships
Cultivate the fruits of the Spirit
Pursue holiness
As you reflect Christ and grow in your faith, your inner beauty will shine through.
You are one of a kind!
You were uniquely designed by God – who created rainbows, sunsets and that amazing scent after an Arizona rain. Not only were you “fearfully and wonderfully” made, but David reinforces God’s design by saying that God’s works are wonderful. Meaning His creation of you is wonderful.
Psalm 139:14 (Fearfully and wonderfully made)
Read Ephesians 2:10 (God’s workmanship) (NIV/NLT)
When looking through the lens of God’s eyes, what types of beauty can be found in all people (list some ideas)?
God made all things beautiful. That includes you. God says you are so valued that He sent His Son to die for you.
Read Ecclesiastes 3:11a (He has made everything beautiful)
How does the world’s view of beauty differ from the biblical perspective?
Read Matthew 10:29-31, “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.” (NIV)
What aspects about yourself do you appreciate as God’s Creation?
Can you think of someone in your life that needs to be reminded that they are valued?
Can you write down one characteristic that you like about yourself and thank God for it?
Prayer: Father, thank you that I am your beloved creation! Help me to understand and to see true beauty in myself and in others. Please help me to live out your beauty in ways that would honor you and help others. Continue your transforming work in my life as I seek knowledge and wisdom that would enable me to have a better self-image. Help me to remember that I was created in your image.
By Major Rutendo Masango Director of Continuing Education College for Officer Training
Do you know you are loved by our Creator? You are valuable and you are such a huge part of this world. When God created Adam and Eve, he put them in the garden of Eden, a beautiful and perfect place, they could talk with God at any time. Well until the serpent came to distract that perfect life. We read in Genesis 3:
“Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?” Genesis 3:1
Of course the serpent twisted God’s command and with that Eve fell into the temptation, together with Adam. Sin entered the world through our first parents which means the rest of humanity has inherited this sin. But we have a God who is so loving and kind, that even though we were separated from him, he had a way for us to stay connected to him, he sent his one and only son, Jesus Christ to the earth, as a baby and grew and yet his mission was to die on the cross for the sins of all humanity.
What an amazing plan of redemption that is, for God is truly amazing!
Well this Bible study theme is: You are saved. And really the important reminder is that God saw that sin separated us from him and his plan was to send Jesus to save us. John 3: 16 we read: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son into the world, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.”
What a beautiful promise that if we believe in him we will be saved. Being saved also include turning away from sin, confessing our sins to God and asking for forgiveness and truly believing that we are saved.
Maybe you are here are struggling with really accepting that you are loved and that your sins are forgiven, I would like to encourage you to know and believe that yes you are forgiven. 1 John 1:9 says: “if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to purify us from all unrighteousness.” The enemy may whisper inside your heard that you are never forgiven, how can God love a sinner like you? You are not worthy to be saved, or any other lies, well I would like to encourage you that there is no sin that is too hard for God to forgive.
“Come now, let us settle the matter,” says the Lord. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.” Isaiah 1:18
Digging Deeper:
1. What does 1 John 5:11-12 mean to you?
“And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.”
2. We are not saved by our good works. What does this verse mean to you?
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9
This Christmas season, as we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, let us be reminded about the reason why he came to this earth, he came to seek and save the lost.
3. Read Luke 2:25-32
“Now there was a man in Jerusalem called Simeon, who was righteous and devout. He was waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was on him. It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not die before he had seen the Lord’s Messiah. Moved by the Spirit, he went into the temple courts. When the parents brought in the child Jesus to do for him what the custom of the Law required, Simeon took him in his arms and praised God, saying: “Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, you may now dismiss your servant in peace. For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all nations: a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of your people Israel.”
What do these verse tell you about God’s faithfulness and his promises?
Today, be encouraged and know you are loved and God cares enough for you that he sent his son to save you and me.
By Major Gaylene Yardley Divisional Women’s Ministries Secretary – Southwest Division
Begin by meditating on the song “Known” by Tauren Wells
Read Psalm 139:1-24
Questions for discussion:
Am I important to God? Yes! Romans 8:27 – “God already knows our deepest thoughts. And He understands what the Spirit is saying, because the Spirit speaks for His people in the way that agrees with what God wants.” (ERV)
Why am I important to God? Because He loves you! Romans 5:8 – “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” 1 John 3:1 – “How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” Jeremiah 31:3 – “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness.” How is it that He knows me so well?
Because the scriptures tell us so. Psalm 119:73 “ Your hands made me and formed me; give me understanding to learn your commands.” As we look at Psalm 139:13 and 14 we find that we are made and knit together in our mothers’ womb. In looking at Psalm 119:73 we also see that we that we were made and formed by God the Father. What a joy to know the creator and the creation He made us to be.
What are some scriptures about being fully known?
Luke 12:7 Hairs on your head are numbered.
Jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed you in the womb I knew you.
Psalm 139:16 Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
Being fully known by God is one of the best things we have going for us. Because of this verse we can understand that God loved us so much that He sent Jesus to die and to rise again for us. I pray that you know how important you are to God and that you are blessed to be fully known.
John 3:16 – “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
Let’s sing to close out this time of study, Jesus Loves Me
Jesus loves me, this I know. For the bible tells me so. Little ones to Him belong, They are weak but HE is strong! Yes, Jesus loves me, Yes, Jesus loves me, Yes, Jesus loves me, The bible tells me so!
Download the printable version of this month’s Devotional, Craft & Bible Study: Desplancke Desplancke2024-11-06 13:18:042024-11-06 13:18:24November 2024 Bible Study: I am Known
By Major Sybil Smith Torrance, CA Corps – Southern California Division
“See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” 1 John 3:1a
Welcome to, “You are His precious child.” In this study, you will read and listen to the words of “Who You Say I Am” from Hillsong Worship. They are amazing words that can bring confidence, hope and encouragement to your heart. You will also be looking into the Scriptures, the Word of God; which inspired the words of the song.
When we know this truth, not because Hillsong Worship proclaims it, but because the Word of God declares it; it will go beyond just the heart and will give strength, hope and joy to your soul!
Don’t rush through these Bible Studies. Really, take time to read, listen and contemplate the truth God is needing you to hear. It’s ok if this takes more than one sitting to complete. Take as many sessions as you need to get through the study.
Ok, let’s get right to it. First let’s look at the song that has been chosen to go with the truth of being His (God’s) precious child. The song is “Who You Say I Am” from Hillsong Worship. Please take a moment to read through the words of this song.
Now take another few moments to listen to the song:
After you have done the above, take a moment to pray that the Lord will have favor over you as you take time in this study. That His favor will affirm who you are. That His favor will challenge you to not put anything about you down … but rather show you … wherever you are right at this moment … the truth of who you are and how God, through Jesus Christ His Son, can reconcile anything in you that makes you feel anything less than His precious child.
I know you may very likely be someone who already knows the Word well and you know where this song stems from Scripture. If you know that, then you know Scripture enough to understand that there is not any amount of time you can re-read God’s Word that He won’t speak into your heart every time. So, whether you are someone new to the Bible, or someone who has read it cover to cover a few times; you will find joy in being reminded – or discovering for the first time – how you have been created to be His precious child!
VERSE 1 As you read the first verse in the song, the first three words are, “Who am I?” May I propose that whatever you say you are, or whatever others have said you are, that God’s Word says you are MORE?
You are more in these three ways: ⦁ You have more worth than you may see. ⦁ You are more cherished than you may realize. ⦁ You have more purpose than you may know.
Let’s take a moment to break down these three truths that help to illustrate the fact that you are created to be His precious child.
You have MORE worth than you may see.
Having Great Worth- Value, significance. The opposite would be worthlessness which can’t be you because you’re here, on this earth … No person makes it to this earth without worth, value, or significance. You have been born into this world because God knew your specific life was going to be significant, of value, of great worth to someone else.
Write out Jeremiah 29:11 here:
What does this say about you right now?
You are MORE cherished than you may realize.
Cherished meaning loved, held in high esteem. The opposite would be abandoned, not cared for, forsaken which is something far too many people feel right now.
If you have been made to feel abandoned, unloved or forsaken … there are those who cherish you, who love you and want to invest in your life and help you feel and know you are cherished.
Write out Psalm 139:14 & John 15:12-13:
What does this say about you right now?
You have MORE purpose than you may know.
Having absolute, innate Purpose meaning, natural hope, and expectation. The opposite would be hopelessness, without purpose. You have been chosen to be here on this earth at this time. It doesn’t make sense that you would be here for no reason. It is a guarantee that your life has made an impact on that of another life. Good or bad, you have made an impact.
Write out Psalm 139:13 & John 15:16 here:
What does this say about you right now?
This song has beautifully captured who we are in Jesus Christ.
The greatest thing about who we are- is it doesn’t matter what WE say we are, or what OTHERS say we are. Who we are is who God declares us as being. He made humanity from the dust of the earth.
Write down Genesis 2:7:
He formed us in our mother’s womb.
Write down Psalm 139:13-14:
Write your thoughts concerning these verses you just wrote down, and you, where you are right now in life.
When someone takes so much care, detail, time, focus, attention and love in creating something … that someone will want to ensure what they have created will be cherished, will be taken care of. They will not want to see it harmed, broken or marred.
God created you with that kind of care and love.
Another few words in the first verse of the song is, “I was lost but He brought me in. Oh His love for me.”
Write down Romans 5:6-8:
Write down John 3:16:
Write down 1 John 3:1:
What do these three verses say about Gods love for you as a precious child of God?
God’s love for you is so much that He sent Jesus to suffer and die for your sins, so you would have the hope of salvation despite the sin in your life. He loves you enough to forgive any sin you can ask Him to forgive. He not only forgives, but then helps you to not return to it.
The moment you acknowledged sin, confessed that sin to Jesus, asked Jesus to forgive your sin and live within you to help you and guide you- that’s when you became a precious child of God.
What other verses can you find in the Bible about God’s love for you? List them here along with any thoughts about the verses you write down.
The words in this second verse to take a closer look at is, “His grace runs deep. While I was a slave to sin, Jesus died for me.”
You touched on this in some of the verses you’ve already written down. While you were a slave to sin, Jesus died for you. If you are reading this study and you find yourself at this moment overwhelmed by sin, by the shackles, or the effects of sin… understand the Lord Jesus Christ loves you right now, this very moment, just as you are. You don’t need to do a thing to gain that love… it’s already there and it runs very deep for you.
Write down Ephesians 2:4-5:
What do these verses say about you and any sin that may be present right now?
Write down Romans 6:20-23:
What do these verses say about the grace of God?
Every person has found themselves a slave to sin at some point in their lives. Every person has had, or will have to come to a point where that sin is acknowledged, confessed to the Lord and asked to be forgiven. In God’s Grace, He forgives, forgives and forgives again.
God sees you. God knows you. God loves you. God knows your heart. He is able to be what you need and lead you by His Holy Spirit.
CHORUS The best thing is that while God loves you just where you are, even if where you are is in the throes of sin; His love doesn’t want you to stay there. He wants more than anything to pick you up out of that place and put you down in a place of freedom, joy, strength and hope. From being a slave to sin, to being a precious child of God.
Read these words from the chorus: Who the Son sets free Oh is free indeed I’m a precious child of God Yes I am
Write down Romans 6:17-18:
What do you think of the concept of being free from sin, and becoming a slave to righteousness?
A slave is a person who is someones property. They are bound to obey their master who owns them. I don’t know anyone who wants to be considered a slave. But the truth is, we are all slaves to the one who controls us. Who controls you? Do you control you? Does satan control you? Does God control you?
You have a choice everyday who you will serve. There is only one master who will truly let you live in freedom and it’s not you or satan. Only God, in Jesus Christ, through the Holy Spirit, brings freedom and so much more as His precious child.
Let’s look at the second part of the chorus: In my Father’s house There’s a place for me I’m a precious child of God Yes I am
Write Down John 14:1-4:
What does this verse say about life after death? How does that make you feel as you think of your life in Jesus not just for today, but for forever?
You are a precious child of God not just while you are here on earth, but forever in the hands of God. He’s got a home all set for you when your time here has ended.
Write down 1 John 3:2-3:
What are your thoughts on this verse? Focus on these key words: “not yet been made known”, “shall be like Him”, “purify themselves”. What do you think this verse means for you, and your standing, as a precious child of God?
BRIDGE This to me is the best part of the song: I am chosen, not forsaken I am who You say I am You are for me, not against me I am who You say I am I am chosen, not forsaken I am who You say I am You are for me, not against me I am who You say I am I am who You say I am
This has some powerful words: I am Chosen. You are for me. I am who You say I am.
Write down John 15:16-17:
What does this say about your life as a precious child of God? Especially focusing on the latter part of the verses.
It’s important to realize that you are seen, loved and accepted as a precious child of God because of who you are. That you are a benefactor if His grace when you yielded your life to Jesus in repentance and in serving Him. Read Galatians 5:22-23 to be reminded of some of the benefits God gives you as His precious child.
You are a precious child of God. Not just so you can relish in that truth. Not just so you can benefit from His work in you. Not just so you can receive the gift of eternal life.
You are a precious child of God so that your life can also draw others into a relationship with Jesus. It is not just for yourself that you are saved. It is also for the benefit of others that you are saved.
Write down 1 John 3:16-18:
You are a part of the family of God. As a precious child of God, in reference to these verses you wrote down; how are you supposed to treat others ego are in the family of God along with you?
Write down 1 Peter 4:7-11:
List ways in which your life, as a precious child of God, displays the kind of living described in the verses you just wrote down.
Do you see how you are precious? Do you see how you are more?
Being a precious child of God is redeeming … it is freeing … it is affirming … it is something that’s secure and eternal.
Write down your thoughts as to what you understand your life to be as a precious child if God.
FOR FURTHER STUDY For further depth into God’s Word. Use a concordance to look up verses containing these key words don’t just read the verse indicated but read the passage surrounding it to get a full understanding of its meaning. Write down the verses and your thoughts concerning them: Desplancke Desplancke2024-08-23 10:30:022024-08-23 10:30:23October 2024 Bible Study: You Are His Precious Child
By Captain Irene Castro Divisional Women’s Ministries Secretary – Del Oro Division
Note: Since the spiritual discipline we are focusing on this month is “Listening Prayer” this month’s Bible Study is in the form of prayer stations, that will incorporate Scripture into each specific prayer station.
Supply List for Station:
Blocks or Bricks with different words that can cause us to stumble like gossip, love for money, lust and more.
Long mirror with dry erase markers.
A standing cross with pieces of paper. Also pens, hammer and nails.
Put a circle of chairs for people to pray and have the officer lead this one while praying for others.
Nails, tools, and wire (see picture in the prayer station description below)
Have a fake tree, printed prayers or promises from the Bible for people to grab, paper clips to hang their papers on the tree. Also have blank papers and pens in case people want to write their own.
Scrabble Board game
On a board hang up lines with hearts for them to grab and then hang back up, pens
You can do this one in a lot of different ways. Have the word written out so they can read it themselves, have it on the CD and have it playing over and over, or have someone read it out loud.
Prayer Station 1: Stumbling Blocks Supplies: Blocks or Bricks with different words that can cause us to stumble like gossip, love for money, lust and more.
Isaiah 57:14 And it will be said, “Build up, build up, prepare the way, Remove every obstacle out of the way of My people.”
As we know there are a lot of things in our life that the devil can use for us to stumble. We see some on the table. What are some things in your life that you need to remove so that you can stand firm and not fall. Take a moment and reflect on your life and see what those things are and pray that God helps you to remove that from your life or helps you to be strong to face it.
Prayer Station 2: Image of God Supplies: Long mirror with dry erase markers
2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if anyone is in Christ the new creation has come the old as gone the new is here.
When you see yourself in this mirror what do you see? Are you happy with what you see? Is God happy with what he sees? There are things sometime that we still hold on to from our past and have not allowed God to change us complete. Pray that God make you a new creation from the inside and out. Pray when people see you, they see God and not the old you. Take a moment to talk with the Lord but also write on the mirror one thing you don’t want to see anymore.
Prayer Station 3: Forgiveness Supplies:A standing cross with pieces of paper. Also pens, hammer and nails.
Matthew 6:14-15 For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive others their sins, your father will not forgive your sins.
When you forgive, you in no way change the past – but you sure do change the future. Remember God went on the cross to forgive your sins and take all that pain and suffering away from you. Write something you need to ask God to forgive you for or write down someone’s name that you still need to forgive. Take a moment to pray. Put paper on the cross as a symbol of allowing God to start the healing process.
Station 4: Sickness Supplies:Put a circle of chairs for people to pray and have the officer lead this one while praying for others.
Matthew 7:7-8 Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
We all have a loved one that is sick, or we are self or going through some sickness. Pray and believe that God will heal and restore that body back to what it once was.
Station 5: Christ Dying on the Cross Supplies:Nails, tools, and wire
Peter 3:18 For Christ also died for sins once for all, the just for the unjust, so that He might bring us to God, having been put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit.
As you see the nails on the table remember the sacrifice that God did for you. Remember he loves you and died on the cross for your sins and pain. Make a cross with the nails as you see the example on the table but while you are building your cross meditate on him and his goodness.
Station 6: The Tree of Prayer Supplies: Have a fake tree, printed prayers or promises from the Bible for people to grab, paper clips to hang their papers on the tree. Also have blank papers and pens in case people want to write their own.
1 John 5:14 This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.
As you pick a paper think of a prayer that you want God to hear and hang it on the tree as a symbol of you believing to God. Know and believe that he answers or hears your prayer. Then take a minute to pray and talk with him or share your prayer with your officer or friend and ask them to pray for you.
Station 7: Encouraging Words Supplies:Scrabble Board game
Ephesians 4:29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.
In this day of age, we have lots of people that can be mean or rude. We see people being bulled and people taking their life when we need to start encouraging people and saying nice things to people. As you see there is a board game in the middle, the word LOVED is there add or put another encouraging word with the letters you see so you can practice doing this.
Station 8: Marriages and Families Supplies:On a board hang up lines with hearts for them to grab and then hang back up, pens
2 Corinthians 13:11 “Finally, brothers, rejoice. Aim for restoration, comfort one another, agree with one another, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you.”
These words are among Paul’s final words of exhortation to the Christians in Corinth at the end of his second letter to them. He is encouraging them to work things out with one another and think more highly about others rather than of themselves. Paul wants them to live in peace and harmony, because then they will experience more fully God’s love and peace. By seeking restoration with their brothers and sisters in Christ, they would reap what they sowed restoration with God as well. Take a moment, take a heart and write down on this heart what you want God to start doing in your marriage, family and you. By writing this down you are believing and declaring that this will happen. God is able to restore that love and peace again in those relationships.
Station 9: Read and Pray Supplies: You can do this one in a lot of different ways. Have the word written out so they can read it themselves, have it on the CD and have it playing over and over, or have someone read it out loud.
Read: Psalm 37: 1-8
We read in this Psalm that those that are doing evil things seem to be prospering. But we are not to get angry or upset about that because God will have the last word and He will judge. We are told here to trust in the Lord.
No matter what is happening around us, God desires us to trust in Him. Things can look really bad for a while – but God will come through. As we commit our way to the Lord and delight in Him, He will bring it to pass. He will give us the desires of our hearts. We need to be still and rest in the Lord, to wait on Him and to keep on trusting Him. God will never let you down. He is fully trustworthy. So often people can let us down – but God never will.
If there are things in your life today that are tearing you up inside, give it over to God completely and place your hope and trust in Him. Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. (Proverbs 3: 5)
Lord, I give you my concerns, I lay them at your feet. Help me, Lord, to trust in you. For my daily needs.
Download printable instructions for the Prayer Stations:
By Captain Jan Pemberton Divisional Women’s Ministries Secretary – Cascade Division
Instructions: This Bible Study contains questions about the study of Meditation and Memorization of Scripture. Take your time as you read each question and read the passage of scripture for that corresponding question in the Bible. Read and study each answer in the Bible and then write an answer in your own words.
Memorizing Scripture and Christian meditation is similar and components of one another. Before your time in meditative prayer, you can study a passage of scripture many times and, through the process, keep a list of questions you want to take to the Lord during your time together, such as finding the greater meaning of the text you just read and open your heart to the Holy Spirit to speak and minister to you.
Read Psalms 1:1-6. a. How can we delight in God’s instructions? b. How can meditating on scripture help us pursue righteous living?
Read Psalms 119:15-16 a. What is the benefit of reading and meditating on God’s word? b. How can these verses grow us closer to God?
Read Psalms 119:97-99. a. How often are we to meditate on scripture? b. When we read this scripture, what happens to us?
Read Psalm 143:5. a. Why should we ponder the work of the Lord?
Read Joshua 1:8. a. When should we meditate on God’s word? b. What happens to us if we meditate on God’s word?
Read Philippians 4:2-9. a. What urging or encouragements, do you notice in these verses? b. What are we to think about according to these verses? c. Why is it good to keep God’s word in your heart?
Read 1 Timothy 4:13-15. a. Where should we read scripture, and until when? b. What should we do with this gift God has given us? c. Why should we meditate on God’s Word?
Read Romans 12:2 a. What happens to our minds when we read and study God’s word? b. In learning His will, should we test God?
There is an Acronym called PROBE. How can we use these in our lives in memorizing God’s word to share with others? a. Pray b. Repent c. Obey d. Believe e. Express
Read the verses below. How can these verses give you strength and purpose and connect you with the Lord? a. John 3:16 b. Jeremiah 29:11 c. Matthew 6:33 d. Matthew 28:18-20 e. Joshua 1:7-9 f. Philippians 4:13 g. 2 Corinthians 5:16-20 h. Psalm 23:1 i. Proverbs 3:5-8 j. Romans 8:26-28
When we are introspective about our time in the Word of God and with our time in prayer and allow the Holy Spirit to guide our time with the Lord, we can feel rejuvenated in our minds, bodies, and our souls. When we take the time to reflect upon the verses God has put before us in our devotions, mentioned in a Bible study or in a sermon, we need to do our own study in order to learn more about what God meant in those verses. If we have questions, we need to go to our Officers and ask questions because that is the only way we learn. We must do our research. Look in commentaries and the works of John Wesley and other theologians in the Wesleyan-Holiness tradition. We need to be people who hunger and thirst for God’s word, and through diligent study and guidance of the Holy Spirit, we will see what the Lord has in store for us.
Memory Verse Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers. Psalm 1:1-3
By Linda Garcia Fairbanks, AK Corps – Alaska Division
I wanted to accurately define hospitality: Hospitality is action and affection, receiving and loving a stranger.
I grew up seeing this displayed in my family. My paternal grandmother always had a pot of beans on the stove, a large Tupperware bowl full of homemade flour tortillas on top of the refrigerator or continually making them fresh this was all day every day ready for anyone or everyone that stepped into her home whether it be family, friend or stranger.
The Bible points out numerous forms of hospitality which is very important-
“When God’s people are in need, be ready to help them. Always be eager to practice hospitality.” Romans 12:13
How would you describe your willingness to help others in need. Would you describe yourself as being eager?
If someone is eager to practice hospitality, how is that demonstrated in their life? Do you know someone who could be described as eager to practice hospitality?
I remember as a very young girl spending a lot of time with my maternal grandparents, it was really my second home. This one particular summer I was probably 5 years old I would go outside to play in the front yard and there would be one or two men passed out by the bushes I run into the house to tell Gramma and she would calmly send Grampa out with a cup of coffee and water to let them know it was time to move on. There was a cantina/bar across the street to the left of their house. They never mistreated anyone, but it was an opportunity for Grampa to share a cup of coffee and sometimes pray for them.
Be hospitable to one another without grumbling. 1 Peter 4:9
How does grumbling impact our hospitality? How does grumbling affect our Christian witness? What are we communicating to others by grumbling?
The practice of hospitality is Christ-like. It is an offering of our time and company to others.”] The virtuous woman of Proverbs 31 reaches out her hand to the needy. She cared about others!
Read Proverbs 31:10-31. Note how this woman showed hospitality. What did she do? How did she respond? What do you learn about hospitality from this woman?
Ladies whether you have a woman’s Group in your home or at church hospitality is how God wants us to share his love with everyone. Be intentional as you prepare a meal, snacks, and God’s Word that you will share with those who enter your home. Pray for each woman that comes to your group meeting, make sure to lift them up in prayer daily as you journey with them.
I have to be honest, being hospitable didn’t come naturally for me even though I saw it growing up. By the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I have learned to open my home to those I may not of opened up my home to in the past.
Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. Hebrews 13:2
How can you be more intentional in showing hospitality this week?