Something Better by General Shaw Clifton
Something Better…’ – written by the 18th International Leader of The Salvation Army, General Shaw Clifton (Rtd) – celebrated with book launch at IHQ
London, 04 September 2014/IHQ/ International Headquarters was the location for the official book launch of ‘Something Better…’ – Autobiographical Essays, the latest publication from the pen of General Shaw Clifton (Rtd). The book has been co-published by Salvation Books (IHQ) and Crest Book (USA National Headquarters).
Presided over by the Chief of the Staff, Commissioner William A. Roberts, the event included an address by General André Cox in which he spoke about ‘The Importance of the Written Word’, encouraging listeners to read, reflect and consider the important perspectives that General Clifton (Rtd) shares in ‘Something Better…’. He also reminded those in attendance that we are ‘people of the word’. Speaking directly to the author, General Cox thanked him for his work and for the lessons conveyed through his leadership as an international officer who served on five continents.
Following his introduction by Commissioner Charles Swansbury (International Secretary for Programme Resources, IHQ), General Clifton (Rtd) responded by acknowledging all the headquarters’ officers and staff in attendance and welcomed many personal friends and associates who had travelled to share in the event. The General was obviously delighted to have his sons – Lieutenant John (accompanied by wife Lieutenant Naomi and daughter Miriam) and Matt – in attendance, although his daughter, Captain Jenny Collings, was unable to be present as she is currently serving in New Zealand. General Clifton (Rtd) spoke frankly and from the heart as he encouraged Salvation Army authors to be transparent and forthright in writing about some of the issues the organisation grapples with.
In the closing moments of the book launch, Commissioner Birgitte Brekke-Clifton shared a prayer of dedication and Lieutenant John Clifton lead the Founder’s Song – ‘O Boundless Salvation!’ – which features the words ‘I feel something better most surely would be If once thy pure waters would roll over me’. Major Richard Gaudion, former private secretary to General Shaw Clifton (Rtd) pronounced the benediction, following which a reception and book signing was held in Café 101.
IHQ Communications is pleased to provide the attached book review by Commissioner William Francis which was published in the September-October edition of The Officer along with an article by Geoff Moulton, Editor in Chief, Canada & Bermuda Territory for use in promoting ‘Something Better.’ We would appreciate the credits to The Officer and the Canada & Bermuda Territory.
I am grateful to Commissioner Francis and Geoff Moulton for their support and partnership in ministry as together we work to promote this important publication by The Salvation Army’s 18th International Leader.
John Murray MA, APR, CFRE