September Bonus Craft: Tin Can Birdseed Feeder
By Major Ronda Gilger
Coeur d’Alene Kroc Center, ID – Northwest Division
Our women need to hear about how God is working in our lives. It encourages them to look at how God is working in theirs!
IDEA: Why not try to make a Mod Podge Tin Can Birdseed feeder?
Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can anyone of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? Matthew 6:26-27 NIV

Worry. We’re consumed by it… distracted, depressed, and we’ve lost focus. Take a few moments to create this simple Birdseed feeder, reminding yourselves that God, who clothes the most beautiful flowers; and who feeds the birds, who sees the smallest sparrow when it falls… This same God has your life in his hands. He is faithful and loving and is right there with you in your times of joy and greatest heartache.
DIY “Tin Can Birdseed Feeder Instructions:
Scissors, paintbrushes, misc scrapbook papers, twine, and 3 opened-cleaned-cans with labels removed.
Have each woman bring in a few cans- or collect them just for this special program together.
Using ModPodge (there is a variety that holds up better outside), a paintbrush, and fun papers add to your masterpiece-one paper at time to decorate your Birdseed hanging feeders. Wrap twine around several times and create a hanger as shown. You can see that they look even better in groupings!
I believe that this can be a fun project to bring women, families or children together…. or even for you to invite neighbors in for. Remind everyone of these verses in Matthew, and HAVE EACH PERSON tell of a time when God worked in their lives- you will be surprised by how encouraged you will all be!
Pray just before you leave. Perhaps you can even have your women hold hands in a circle – to visually show the unity you feel for one another. What fun!