Our Fundamental Purpose
Women’s Ministries is the umbrella term that covers all ministries offered to women in The Salvation Army, which includes Home League and Women’s Ministries Outreach Groups.
Fundamental Purpose – Women’s Ministries Mission
- To win women for Christ, encourage spiritual growth, and provide Christian fellowship
- To promote a purposeful life
- To work toward the betterment of the home, the community, the nation and the world
- To recruit soldiers and link families to the fellowship of believers
Women play a vital and definitive role in shaping society through their influence in the home and family. The aim of any Women’s Ministries program is to provide Christian fellowship and practical help that will benefit not only the individual and her family, but also the nation.
Programming of meetings and activities should be varied and informative and include the four-fold purpose of:
A variety of Corps programs can be used to win women (and their families) for Christ, to minister to their needs, and to encourage their spiritual development. Among these: the Home League is unique in that common requirements must be followed to ensure its international unity and maintain the worldwide fellowship.
Minimum Standards – 24 combined Home League and Women’s Ministries meetings
Observance of Women’s Sunday, Annual Meetings and World Day of Prayer
Involvement – Corps, World Services, Territorial, Divisional, Corps Projects (financial/in-kind)
Where there are several women’s group leaders, one should be appointed as the corps Women’s Ministries Secretary.