March 2025 Devotional: Masterfully Quilted

By Captain Ryan Boyd
Denver Red Shield, CO Corps – Intermountain Division

“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10

My mother-in-law is a gifted quilter. She has all kinds of quilts in her house that she has made over the years, and I love to look at them and admire her handiwork. Each time a grandchild was born, she made them a quilt. And while she sewed, she prayed for that child. Looking at each stitch reminds me how hard she has prayed for these kids all their lives.

One year, I decided that I was going to make her a quilt because she deserved something homemade. Did I know how to quilt? Nope. Did I let that deter me? Not for one second. I went to the fabric store, signed up for a quilting class, spent a ridiculous amount of money on a hobby I had no skill in, and started looking at patterns.

When I took the quilting class, I was the only student. Which was great, because I had also never used a sewing machine. The instructor patiently guided me through Sewing 101 and then quilting 101, and I left that store with an undeserved confidence that I was going to make the best quilt known to humanity.

It didn’t quite work out that way. Chalk it up to blissful ignorance or youthful hubris, but I chose a queen size quilt for my first go around. I spent weeks trying to create this quilt. And by the end, I was just happy to get it done. Would it last through the first wash? That was yet to be seen.

When I gave the quilt to my mother-in-law, she lovingly pointed out the stitches I got right and gracefully ignored the many I got wrong. And when we visit, she makes sure that it’s out to show her appreciation. I don’t tell this story to show off how great my mother-in-law is – although I could easily go on and on – I tell it because that quilt represented all the handiwork I could muster for almost six months of my life. Was it the prettiest quilt? No. But it was a labor of love that I know my mother-in-law felt.

We are God’s handiwork. God intricately made each one of us and formed us in our mother’s womb (Psalm 139:13). We may not feel like the prettiest quilt, we may have some imperfections, but God has created us for good things!

If we focus on the things that are “wrong” about us, we will miss all the things that are “right”. While we focus on the outward appearance, God is looking at what is in our hearts. He created us to be exactly as we are, knowing that the path he set out for us will require the exact talents and personality He has given us.

Often, I am quick to criticize the way that God made me. Like most women, I am rarely satisfied with the outside appearance I have. However, what I criticize most is what’s on the inside. Why am I so loud and mouthy? Why must I ask so many questions?

And when I get to be too critical of myself, I look back on Ephesians 2:10 and say, “God made me this way, there must be a reason.” Maybe I am loud and mouthy so that I can speak up for those who have had their voices silenced or for those who are too scared to speak for themselves. Maybe I am loud so that others can hear me tell them about Jesus. Perhaps I ask so many questions because God has given me this thirst for knowledge so that I can learn how to love others better through His word or so that I can be a better example of him to others.

When I reframe my view of myself from imperfect woman to God’s handiwork, my entire demeanor changes. What I view as weaknesses, God instilled in me to further His kingdom. I can’t spend my whole life looking at what I have gotten wrong, I have to look at what He has done right.

God has made each of us in His image and according to His purposes. While we may not be fully appreciative of the particular way He has crafted us, we can take comfort in knowing that there is a reason we are the way that we are. We can be confident in knowing that God loves us and wants us to use our unique abilities and personalities to love every other Image bearer we meet.

Major Cathi Boyd displaying the quilt made by her daughter-in-law, Captain Ryan Boyd