Baby Song
The Salvation Army USA Western Territory
Baby Song is an exciting Salvation Army outreach program for babies, toddlers and their parents. Baby Song provides an opportunity for: parents to assist their babies in language development and interaction through music; babies to experience developmentally appropriate songs, activities and games; parents to build relationships with other parents; parents to gain parenting tips and information; and to reach out into the community.
As Baby Song crosses over boundaries, not just applying to one age group, but to the whole family, it has been decided to record Baby Song attendance as stated below. It is important that there is consistency around the territory in recording the program, so please contact the Territorial Youth Department or Women’s Ministries Department, should you have any questions regarding this.

As a Baby Song session consists of two separate sections, it can be recorded as two meetings in the following way:
The Baby Song/Music Section
Count attendance in Cradle Roll line 3310. Include everybody – children, parents, leaders, helpers.
The Fellowship Section
Count parents (if majority are women) in Women’s Ministries line 3001–option code 33:
Any activity during the Baby Song/Music Section should be recorded under the Cradle Roll (line 3310). If the parents and children are together during the fellowship section, you will only count the parents in Women’s Ministries line 3001–option code 33, not the children.
It is important to note that there needs to be some spiritual aspect to record Baby Song as Women’s Outreach. It can be in the form of a prayer, a ‘thought for the day’, or a Scripture verse.

Example 1:
Parents and children fellowshipping all together:
Baby Song/Music Section: 17 children, 15 parents, 1 leader present.
Statistics – Cradle Roll (line 3310) 1 meeting, 17 + 15 + 1 = 33 attendance
Fellowship Section: 15 parents, 1 leader
Statistics – Women’s Outreach (line 3001–option code 33) 1 meeting, 15 + 1 = 16 attendance
Example 2:
Parents discussing parental issues and spiritual focus: Children playing in separate room with 3 helpers:
Baby Song/Music Section: 17 children, 15 parents, 1 leader, 3 helpers
Statistics – Cradle Roll (line 3310) 1 meeting, 17 + 15 + 1 + 3 = 36 attendance
Fellowship Section: 15 parents, 1 leader
Statistics – Women’s Outreach (line 3001–option code 33) 1 meeting, 15 + 1 = 16 attendance
If your corps or division is conducting ‘Mommy and Me,’ the statistics could be recorded the same way using these guidelines.