September Craft: Rolled Paper Roses
By Major Ronda Gilger
Coeur d’Alene Kroc Center, ID – Northwest Division
Pure inspiration!
Learn a simple technique with so many applications.
We’ve added everything you need to make sure that your group has a wonderful experience as they work together around the tables. Truly, some of the best ministry moments are experienced as women share their stories as they create these simple paper roses. And you will be so inspired as you look through the presentation and see how many applications there are for this lovely paper rose.
Will you create a masterpiece for your walls, or scatter them around a table? Perhaps just a few set inside and around the saucer of your teacup. Imagine events with these inspired decorations, wreaths, or something as practical as cards, tags or package décor.
This is a craft that can be taught across genders and generations, with relatively low cost which makes this internationally attractive as well. Share-far and wide!
What you’ll need:
- paper (scrapbook paper is good, cardstock has a nice weight-or use a page from a novel, a songbook or ??? so many options!),
- scissors,
- and a hot glue gun.
In the Video Tutorial you will hear a variety of ideas for Women’s Ministries, as well as tips for leading this craft.
For any of your women who may be home bound- this might also be a perfect way to share a link with them which they can follow along doing the same craft project as your other women.
Download the 2 page (2 sided) Tutorial handbook which can be printed for each woman in your group.