October 2024 Bible Study: You Are His Precious Child
By Major Sybil Smith
Torrance, CA Corps – Southern California Division
“See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” 1 John 3:1a

Welcome to, “You are His precious child.” In this study, you will read and listen to the words of “Who You Say I Am” from Hillsong Worship. They are amazing words that can bring confidence, hope and encouragement to your heart. You will also be looking into the Scriptures, the Word of God; which inspired the words of the song.
When we know this truth, not because Hillsong Worship proclaims it, but because the Word of God declares it; it will go beyond just the heart and will give strength, hope and joy to your soul!
Don’t rush through these Bible Studies. Really, take time to read, listen and contemplate the truth God is needing you to hear. It’s ok if this takes more than one sitting to complete. Take as many sessions as you need to get through the study.
Ok, let’s get right to it. First let’s look at the song that has been chosen to go with the truth of being His (God’s) precious child. The song is “Who You Say I Am” from Hillsong Worship. Please take a moment to read through the words of this song. https://www.musixmatch.com/lyrics/Maranatha-Music/Who-You-Say-I-Am-1
Now take another few moments to listen to the song:
After you have done the above, take a moment to pray that the Lord will have favor over you as you take time in this study. That His favor will affirm who you are. That His favor will challenge you to not put anything about you down … but rather show you … wherever you are right at this moment … the truth of who you are and how God, through Jesus Christ His Son, can reconcile anything in you that makes you feel anything less than His precious child.
I know you may very likely be someone who already knows the Word well and you know where this song stems from Scripture. If you know that, then you know Scripture enough to understand that there is not any amount of time you can re-read God’s Word that He won’t speak into your heart every time. So, whether you are someone new to the Bible, or someone who has read it cover to cover a few times; you will find joy in being reminded – or discovering for the first time – how you have been created to be His precious child!

As you read the first verse in the song, the first three words are, “Who am I?” May I propose that whatever you say you are, or whatever others have said you are, that God’s Word says you are MORE?
You are more in these three ways:
⦁ You have more worth than you may see.
⦁ You are more cherished than you may realize.
⦁ You have more purpose than you may know.
Let’s take a moment to break down these three truths that help to illustrate the fact that you are created to be His precious child.
You have MORE worth than you may see.
Having Great Worth- Value, significance. The opposite would be worthlessness which can’t be you because you’re here, on this earth … No person makes it to this earth without worth, value, or significance. You have been born into this world because God knew your specific life was going to be significant, of value, of great worth to someone else.
Write out Jeremiah 29:11 here:
What does this say about you right now?
You are MORE cherished than you may realize.
Cherished meaning loved, held in high esteem. The opposite would be abandoned, not cared for, forsaken which is something far too many people feel right now.
If you have been made to feel abandoned, unloved or forsaken … there are those who cherish you, who love you and want to invest in your life and help you feel and know you are cherished.
Write out Psalm 139:14 & John 15:12-13:
What does this say about you right now?
You have MORE purpose than you may know.
Having absolute, innate Purpose meaning, natural hope, and expectation. The opposite would be hopelessness, without purpose. You have been chosen to be here on this earth at this time. It doesn’t make sense that you would be here for no reason. It is a guarantee that your life has made an impact on that of another life. Good or bad, you have made an impact.
Write out Psalm 139:13 & John 15:16 here:
What does this say about you right now?
This song has beautifully captured who we are in Jesus Christ.
The greatest thing about who we are- is it doesn’t matter what WE say we are, or what OTHERS say we are. Who we are is who God declares us as being. He made humanity from the dust of the earth.
Write down Genesis 2:7:
He formed us in our mother’s womb.
Write down Psalm 139:13-14:
Write your thoughts concerning these verses you just wrote down, and you, where you are right now in life.
When someone takes so much care, detail, time, focus, attention and love in creating something … that someone will want to ensure what they have created will be cherished, will be taken care of. They will not want to see it harmed, broken or marred.
God created you with that kind of care and love.
Another few words in the first verse of the song is, “I was lost but He brought me in. Oh His love for me.”
Write down Romans 5:6-8:
Write down John 3:16:
Write down 1 John 3:1:
What do these three verses say about Gods love for you as a precious child of God?
God’s love for you is so much that He sent Jesus to suffer and die for your sins, so you would have the hope of salvation despite the sin in your life. He loves you enough to forgive any sin you can ask Him to forgive. He not only forgives, but then helps you to not return to it.
The moment you acknowledged sin, confessed that sin to Jesus, asked Jesus to forgive your sin and live within you to help you and guide you- that’s when you became a precious child of God.
What other verses can you find in the Bible about God’s love for you? List them here along with any thoughts about the verses you write down.

The words in this second verse to take a closer look at is, “His grace runs deep. While I was a slave to sin, Jesus died for me.”
You touched on this in some of the verses you’ve already written down. While you were a slave to sin, Jesus died for you. If you are reading this study and you find yourself at this moment overwhelmed by sin, by the shackles, or the effects of sin… understand the Lord Jesus Christ loves you right now, this very moment, just as you are. You don’t need to do a thing to gain that love… it’s already there and it runs very deep for you.
Write down Ephesians 2:4-5:
What do these verses say about you and any sin that may be present right now?
Write down Romans 6:20-23:
What do these verses say about the grace of God?
Every person has found themselves a slave to sin at some point in their lives. Every person has had, or will have to come to a point where that sin is acknowledged, confessed to the Lord and asked to be forgiven. In God’s Grace, He forgives, forgives and forgives again.
God sees you. God knows you. God loves you. God knows your heart. He is able to be what you need and lead you by His Holy Spirit.

The best thing is that while God loves you just where you are, even if where you are is in the throes of sin; His love doesn’t want you to stay there. He wants more than anything to pick you up out of that place and put you down in a place of freedom, joy, strength and hope. From being a slave to sin, to being a precious child of God.
Read these words from the chorus:
Who the Son sets free
Oh is free indeed
I’m a precious child of God
Yes I am
Write down Romans 6:17-18:
What do you think of the concept of being free from sin, and becoming a slave to righteousness?
A slave is a person who is someones property. They are bound to obey their master who owns them. I don’t know anyone who wants to be considered a slave. But the truth is, we are all slaves to the one who controls us. Who controls you? Do you control you? Does satan control you? Does God control you?
You have a choice everyday who you will serve. There is only one master who will truly let you live in freedom and it’s not you or satan. Only God, in Jesus Christ, through the Holy Spirit, brings freedom and so much more as His precious child.
Let’s look at the second part of the chorus:
In my Father’s house
There’s a place for me
I’m a precious child of God
Yes I am
Write Down John 14:1-4:
What does this verse say about life after death? How does that make you feel as you think of your life in Jesus not just for today, but for forever?
You are a precious child of God not just while you are here on earth, but forever in the hands of God. He’s got a home all set for you when your time here has ended.
Write down 1 John 3:2-3:
What are your thoughts on this verse? Focus on these key words: “not yet been made known”, “shall be like Him”, “purify themselves”. What do you think this verse means for you, and your standing, as a precious child of God?

This to me is the best part of the song:
I am chosen, not forsaken
I am who You say I am
You are for me, not against me
I am who You say I am
I am chosen, not forsaken
I am who You say I am
You are for me, not against me
I am who You say I am
I am who You say I am
This has some powerful words:
I am Chosen.
You are for me.
I am who You say I am.
Write down John 15:16-17:
What does this say about your life as a precious child of God? Especially focusing on the latter part of the verses.
It’s important to realize that you are seen, loved and accepted as a precious child of God because of who you are. That you are a benefactor if His grace when you yielded your life to Jesus in repentance and in serving Him. Read Galatians 5:22-23 to be reminded of some of the benefits God gives you as His precious child.
You are a precious child of God. Not just so you can relish in that truth. Not just so you can benefit from His work in you. Not just so you can receive the gift of eternal life.
You are a precious child of God so that your life can also draw others into a relationship with Jesus. It is not just for yourself that you are saved. It is also for the benefit of others that you are saved.
Write down 1 John 3:16-18:
You are a part of the family of God. As a precious child of God, in reference to these verses you wrote down; how are you supposed to treat others ego are in the family of God along with you?
Write down 1 Peter 4:7-11:
List ways in which your life, as a precious child of God, displays the kind of living described in the verses you just wrote down.
Do you see how you are precious? Do you see how you are more?
Being a precious child of God is redeeming … it is freeing … it is affirming … it is something that’s secure and eternal.
Write down your thoughts as to what you understand your life to be as a precious child if God.
For further depth into God’s Word. Use a concordance to look up verses containing these key words don’t just read the verse indicated but read the passage surrounding it to get a full understanding of its meaning. Write down the verses and your thoughts concerning them:
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