November 2023 Craft: Gratitude Cards
By Captain Jennifer Swain
Administrator of Program
San Diego, CA Adult Rehabilitation Program
- 8.5x 11 watercolor paper
- Crayola watercolor palette
- Blue painters tape
- “Thank you” stamp
- Ink pad
- Glass of water
- Paper towel
- Plastic tablecloth
*Most supplies can be purchased inexpensively at Amazon or the Dollar Tree!
How to…
Cover your surface with a plastic tablecloth to ensure paint does not get on your work surface. Cut watercolor paper in half (vertically or horizontally) then fold in half to give the look of a greeting card. Open paper and lay flat. Place a piece of painters tape along the folded seam to ensure paint does not bleed.
Pick a color from your color palette. This will be your focus color. Wet your brush and dip it in the color you’ve chosen. Once you’ve wet the paint, make three matching paint puddles on the inside of the lid. Rinse your brush and add a small amount of black to one of the color puddles. Rinse your brush again and add a lighter color of paint to one of the two remaining color puddles. At this point you should have three shades of paint.
Starting close to the painters tape, and using the darkest shade of color, brush the paint left to right. You’ll want cover about one-third of the card surface space. Without rinsing the paint start using the next lightest shade of paint on the middle third of the card. You will want to blend the colors together where they meet to create the effect of shading. The lightest color should be at the based of the card and be blended with the center color.
Allow the paint to dry, gently remove the painter tape, and then stamp with your “thank you”. Write a personal note inside and give to someone who blessed you! This kind of tangible gratitude blesses the one who receives, and the one who gives, it!
“In everything give thanks…”
1 Thessalonians 5:18 TLT