Over the months of October and November we are inviting Salvationists to engage with the topic of racial reconciliation and unity. Those interested in joining need only purchase a copy of Dr. Brenda Salter-McNeil’s book, “Roadmap to Reconciliation” (available online for $7 on abebooks.com and around $11 on Amazon prime). Participants will start reading a chapter a week for 9 weeks total beginning on October 1, 2019, and finishing around Thanksgiving.
Participants who would also like to discuss the reading with other Salvationists online can do so by joining the public Face Book page, “Western Territory Spiritual Formation Reading Group.”
You’ll find this book focuses on action and the practical steps we can take toward making progress in this important area for today’s Christians and the Church, so I ask that you please encourage participation as broadly as you are able.
Author Ruth Haley Barton defines Christian spiritual formation as “the process of being formed in the image of Christ for the glory of God, for the abundance of our own lives and for the sake of others. I so appreciate how she includes “others” in our personal journey with God. As we read this book together over the next few months it is my prayer that we will not only be changed ourselves, but that we will also bring positive change our communities as we consider practical ways to promote unity both in our Army as well as our local communities!