On behalf of the Territorial Secretary for Spiritual Life, Commissioner Colleen Riley, here are the Prayer Focus requests for December 2022.
This initiative of turning our thoughts and prayers towards the same part of the world at some point in the same week is a beautiful way to unite us as a global Army family and I thank you for the commitment that you each give to this.
This December, we will be praying for the following territories and regions. Each of these have shared with us subjects to include in our prayers. (Click on the dates/countries to find specific prayer requests)
28 November – 04 December 2022 Middle East Region
05-11 December 2022 The Philippines Territory
12-18 December 2022 Nigeria Territory
19-25 December 2022 USA Western Territory
If you don’t already do so, I encourage you to forward these requests so that salvationists are aware of the specific requests for prayer in parts of the world other than their own. Thank you for your continued prayerful support for our international Salvation Army and for sharing these prayer requests.