April 2025 Devotional: Redemption – What is It?
By Lt. Andrielli Gonzalez
Hanapepe, HI Corps Hawaiian and Pacific Islands Division

In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that he lavished on us. Ephesians 1:7-8
Paul, the writer of the book of Ephesians, tells us that Jesus redeems us. The Greek word for “redemption” refers to the ransom paid to free slaves; it is paying for an object or person so that it is not sold again; this payment frees a defenseless person from slavery. Jesus paid the price with His blood, giving Himself as a ransom for our forgiveness and freedom. This was made possible by God being “so rich in grace.” In Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, we witness God’s generous and selfless love for us. Who can understand the infinite wisdom and endless mercy of God?
Paul says that Jesus paid our debt, Christ paid our debts, cancelling any guilt we would feel for our sins. Jesus came to earth in human form, he was tempted in all things just as we are, but he was without sin (Hebrews 4:15). By offering the perfect sacrifice, Jesus freed us from the condemnation of Hell, rescued us from the curse of death, and freed us from the prison of sin. His blood shed on the cross so long ago guaranteed our redemption today.
Because of Christ, we are clean before God, justified in his presence. When God looks at us, he sees the perfect, beautiful sacrifice of his son. Because of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, we have new life, without the weight of guilt, fear, and judgment, as we have been freed, we have passed from death to life and will no longer enter into condemnation. For we are saved by Christ’s love for us.
Paul argues that Jesus also freed us. Jesus broke the shackles of sin and freed us to be able to live for the glory of God when He died for our sins. Sin no longer has dominion over those who are in Christ.
We can only marvel at the extent of what Jesus did to redeem us. Because of him, we are saved from our sins, resurrected to be seated with Christ, given grace with free access to the Father, and counted as fellow citizens of God’s holy people.

John 1:29 tells us that Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. Jesus is the perfect lamb! In addition to saving us and also being redeemed by his beautiful sacrifice, from that moment on, sacrifices involving lambs, herbs, and bread would no longer be necessary. With the perfect sacrifice of Jesus, the Lamb of the Lord, there was no longer any need for other types of sacrifices. The replacement of the meat of the lamb, the herbs, and the bread, Jesus instituted His body, His blood, in memory of this sacrifice.
Before knowing Christ and also accepting Him as my savior, it was impossible not to sin. After conversion, it is possible not to sin. We are not talking about perfection but being able to live and experience liberation from the enslaving routine of sin. The person who stole is now able to work and help people in need. The person once enslaved to slander now possesses the power of the Holy Spirit to use his lips as instruments of grace and healing. He who was enslaved to sins of a sexual nature can now live in purity and conformity to God’s will.
Christ has the power to change our lives, but we need to want and accept the change. Most of the time the change will be radical. We can live in rest and freedom from worries that hijack our peace and want to drive us to despair. Jesus made us an inheritance from his Father. We have the guarantee of God’s presence sustaining us daily and freeing us from the evil one. Furthermore, God has guaranteed that he will bring our salvation to the end and that he has granted all of us the merits of Jesus’ work. We also have the promise that we will dwell in the new heaven and the new earth and that we will be shepherded by God for all eternity. All this if we continue following his path.
Father, thank you for your love for me, undeserving of the incredible work of Jesus Christ on my behalf. Thank you for Jesus’ sacrifice. Thank you, Jesus, for your perfect life and for your bloodshed to pay my debt, free me, and guarantee eternal life for me.
I praise the Lord, oh God, because sin no longer has the power to imprison me or condemn me. Today I can live to fulfill his will and live for your glory in me. Exalted be your name Lord, for Jesus guaranteed for me daily sustenance, the presence of his Holy Spirit, and deliverance in the fight against the evil one.
May my life be to the praise of your name and may the people around me see in me the virtues of a citizen of the Kingdom of God. In Christ, Amen
Enjoy this reminder from Big Daddy Weave, “I Am Redeemed:”