May 2025 Devotional: You are Rescued

By Captain Tanya Pemberton
Administrator for Program
Anaheim, CA Adult Rehabilitation Center

Scripture: Isaiah 43:1-2 and Psalm 18:16-19

Opening Prayer: Today, Father, we come before you with hearts full of appreciation and anticipation. We are looking for your unending love and mercy as we reflect upon your Word. As we sit here with the theme of being rescued, our hearts and minds are open to understanding how priceless we are to Christ. Amen.

Listen to the song, Rescue Story, by Zach Williams

Reflecting upon the lyrics of the song Rescue Story, a vivid picture is painted of God’s relentless pursuit and rescue of us, His children. The song goes, “You are my rescue story, you lifted me up from the ashes, carried my soul from death to life.” This picture of being rescued resonates deeply for those who have experienced God’s power of transformation and His grace during life’s struggles.

The concept of rescue and being rescued is a fundamental part of understanding God’s character and His intimate relationship with us. We see this theme in Isaiah 43:1-2 and Psalm 18:16-19. This will help us gain a deeper insight into what being rescued by God means to us and how it shapes our identity in Christ. The Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Centers believe that this is a fundamental concept of the journey of transformation.

Scripture Insight:
“But now, this is what the Lord says—he who created you, Jacob, he who formed you, Israel: Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.” Isaiah 43:1-2 (NIV)

In Isaiah 43:1-2, God speaks to His people with assurance and comfort. He reminds them that He is their Creator and Redeemer. Despite the trials they face, they are not alone, for God promises His presence and protection. This passage emphasizes God’s intimate knowledge of His people, calling them by name and affirming their belonging to Him. The imagery of passing through waters and fire without harm highlights God’s sovereign power to rescue and sustain us during our greatest challenges.

“He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters. He rescued me from my powerful enemy, from my foes, who were too strong for me. They confronted me in the day of my disaster, but the Lord was my support. He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me.” Psalm 18:16-19 (NIV)

Psalm 18:16-19 further illustrates God’s rescuing hand. David recounts his experience of being saved from overwhelming enemies and perilous situations. He acknowledges that it was God who reached down from heaven to draw him out of deep waters, symbolizing deliverance from dire circumstances. The psalmist’s testimony reveals that God’s rescue is not just an act of power but an expression of His delight in us.

Reflection: Reflecting on these verses and the message of Rescue Story, we are reminded that our rescue is not merely about being saved from physical or emotional distress. It is about being brought into a relationship with God where our true identity is found. In Christ, we are redeemed, called by name, and cherished by our Creator.

At The Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Center, many individuals have experienced this divine rescue firsthand. Whether overcoming addiction, despair, or other life challenges, the stories of transformation and hope are testimonies of God’s rescuing power. Personally, I can recall moments in my life where I felt utterly lost and overwhelmed. During those times, it was God’s rescuing hand that lifted me from despair and set me on a path of hope and purpose. Each of us has our own “rescue story,” where God’s grace intervened and transformed our lives. These stories are powerful reminders of our priceless value in His eyes. Understanding that we are rescued by God should fundamentally shape how we view ourselves and live our lives. Here are a few ways to apply this truth:

  • To embrace your identity in Christ, recognize that being rescued by God means you are His beloved child, valued not by past mistakes or current struggles, but by His redeeming love. Reflect on the specific ways God has rescued you to reinforce your sense of identity in Christ. Living fearlessly, trust that God is with you through every trial, as He reassured Israel in Isaiah 43:1-2. His presence guarantees that you will not be overwhelmed, allowing you to pursue the life He has called you to without fear.
  • Share your rescue story to encourage others, demonstrating how God has worked in your life, bringing hope and transformation. Your testimony can point others to Jesus Christ, the ultimate rescuer. Rest in God’s delight, as Psalm 18:19 reminds us that God rescues us because He delights in us. Let this truth fill you with peace and joy, inspiring you to live a life that honors and glorifies Him.
  • Embrace the theme “Priceless,” recognizing your immense value in Christ, and allow this understanding to transform your daily life, producing the fruits of a life deeply rooted in God’s love and purpose.

Closing Prayer: Dear Lord, thank You for being our rescuer. Thank You for lifting us from the depths of our despair and bringing us into the light of Your love. Help us to embrace our identity in Christ, live fearlessly, share our rescue stories with others, and flourish in our priceless identity. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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