“Windows on Christmas” provides a fresh perspective on the Christmas story looking through the “windows” of some of the people who were there, helping us to see what they saw and feel what they felt—that we might be able to learn what they learned.
This series is inspired by Windows on Christmas by Bill Crowder (Discovery House, 2007).
The five-week series includes worship service materials for the four Sundays of Advent, Christmas Eve Service, and Sunday after Christmas. Available in English and Spanish, the series includes music options, dramas, readings, videos, and other Christmas resources. Resources are available at: https://usawest.sharepoint.com/sites/CorpsMinistries/SitePages/Windows-on-Christmas-2021.aspx
Like every year, we give special thanks to the Central Territory for putting this resource together. For updates or additional information, please visit the Central Territory Music and Creative Arts website: https://www.samusiccentral.org/advent-2021